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PAC supporting Biden reportedly spends $1 million on TikTok influencers

 January 24, 2024

In a novel strategy, a pro-Biden super PAC has allocated $1 million to TikTok influencers in an effort to sway young voters.

The political action committee, Priorities USA, is bolstering efforts to engage with young voters in key battleground states.

The campaign involves a substantial financial investment into TikTok, aiming to leverage the platform's expansive reach among the youth. Politico has shed light on this initiative, highlighting it as a part of a broader Democratic strategy to ensure a robust turnout at the polls from younger demographics, the Post Millennial reported,

Engaging the youth: PAC's new approach to politics

Priorities USA is charting new territory with its first-ever "creator" program, enlisting over 150 influencers on TikTok.

The move represents a significant pivot towards digital mediums, reflecting a broader trend of political campaigns seeking to adapt to the changing landscape of voter engagement.

Among the enlisted content creators is LaTori Storr, a 42-year-old micro-influencer.

With a following of roughly 16,500, Storr has been paid roughly $1,000 for her posts aimed at rallying support for Biden in Pennsylvania.

Her involvement underscores a targeted approach, focusing on influencers who resonate with the platform's predominantly young user base.

Meeting challenges: Navigating TikTok's policy landscape

Despite the innovative thrust of this campaign, the strategy does not come without its challenges.

TikTok, known for its stringent stance against political advertisements, poses a unique set of hurdles. The platform's policies are clear in prohibiting content that serves as political promotion, including posts by influencers deemed political.

However, there appears to be a discrepancy between policy and enforcement, an ambiguity that the PAC is keenly aware of.

Priorities USA spokesman, Jack Doyle, emphasized the committee's commitment to adhering to the platform's guidelines. He stated:

If content is taken down, our general practice is to work with the social media company to understand why. We look forward to working with TikTok throughout the cycle.

Contextualizing the strategy: Not an isolated case

The initiative by Priorities USA is not an isolated phenomenon.

High-profile figures like George Soros have also recognized the potential of platforms such as TikTok.

Soros, a notable left-wing megadonor, has reportedly engaged in similar strategies, distributing substantial funds to activists aimed at disseminating left-leaning policy points to the platform's young audience.

This tactic resonates with broader efforts, even from the White House, which has previously mobilized an "influencer army" in preparation for the 2024 election.

The strategy, as outlined by the White House Deputy Chief of Staff, seeks to diversify outreach, targeting not just young individuals but also other demographic segments like mothers and climate activists, primarily through digital channels.

Further illustrating the growing significance of digital influencers in political communication, the White House hosted over a dozen such individuals during a State of the Union watch party last February.

This event symbolizes the increasing recognition of digital platforms as vital spaces for political discourse and voter engagement.


  • A pro-Biden super PAC, Priorities USA, has allocated $1 million to TikTok influencers to engage young voters.
  • Over 150 influencers are part of the campaign, targeting key battleground states and aiming to adapt to the changing landscape of voter engagement.
  • Despite TikTok's strict policies against political ads, Priorities USA is navigating the platform's landscape, aiming to comply with its guidelines.
  • Notable figures and even the White House have recognized and utilized the influence of digital platforms in reaching and mobilizing younger and diverse demographics.
  • The trend towards digital engagement in political campaigns reflects a broader shift in the methods of political communication, signaling a new era in how parties connect with voters.