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Paranoid Vladimir Putin sends body double to military event amid assassination fears

 May 9, 2023

Russia's President Vladimir Putin is unlikely to appear at Tuesday's Victory Day parade military event on Red Square because he is in fear for his life.

It's speculated he'll send a double to take his place while he goes into hiding.

Kyiv government official Anton Gerashchenko claimed Putin is in fear of being assassinated because of his war on Ukraine.

'Putin Will Not Dare to Appear' at Victory Day Event

"Putin will not dare to appear at the parade on May 9, but will send a double," he told the Daily Mail.

It wouldn't be the first time a double has been used to stand in for a high-ranking government official, especially in Russia.

While Russia has denied using a double for Putin in the past, Ukrainian official Gerashchenko claims that the reason Russia will do this on Victory Day is because of a drone attack on the Kremlin that recently took place, according to Newsmax.

Drone Attack on Kremlin 'Heightened Putin's Fears'

"A drone strike on the Kremlin on 3 May further heightened Putin's fears," Gerashchenko said.

He was rather certain that plans for a double would be implemented.

"Now the chances that he, and not some character playing his role will participate in the parade on 9 May are equal to zero.”

"Real fears for his life will force Putin to set in a bunker, sending another double [to the Red Square event]."

Gerashchenko went on to note that Putin has a "paranoid fear for his life," and the doubles are fairly easy to pick out because they have small "inconsistencies in appearance" when compared with the real Putin.

Kremlin Blames Ukraine for Drone Strike

The Kremlin initially blamed the Ukraine for the drone attack on Wednesday. However, Mykhailo Polodyak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, denied any such activity.

“Ukraine has nothing to do with drone attacks on the Kremlin. Such a strike would only incentivize Moscow to send more missiles into Ukraine to terrorize the civilian population," he suggested.

“Why would we need this? Where is the logic in that?” Polodyak asked, according to Politico

Kremlin Blames United States for Drone Strike

On Thursday, the Kremlin pointed the finger at the United States, though it didn't present any evidence for that claim.

"Attempts to disown this, both in Kyiv and in Washington, are, of course, absolutely ridiculous. We know very well that decisions about such actions, about such terrorist attacks, are made not in Kyiv but in Washington," Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters.

At the time of the attack, Putin wasn't at the Kremlin, and security analysts have questioned if the incident was truly an assassination attempt both because a drone wouldn't be able to carry explosives of any serious magnitude, and because Putin's apartment is 20 miles away from the Kremlin.

The United States has denied any involvement with the drone activity.

"The idea that this was an assassination attempt is absolutely ludicrous," Alina Polyakova, president and CEO of the Center for European Policy Analysis in Washington, D.C. told Politico.  "The Kremlin is a bunker and this looked like a makeshift drone that could only cause minimal damage."

Nevertheless, Russia has indicated it may decide to retaliate, and former president Dmitry Medvedev has suggested that Russia should make plans to "physically eliminate" Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.