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Pelosi Responds To Tapper’s Queries About Biden Tension: ‘I Had To Do What I Had To Do’

 August 21, 2024

During the Democratic National Convention, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi faced questions regarding potential tension between her and President Joe Biden following his decision to exit the 2024 presidential race and support Vice President Kamala Harris, Fox News reported.

Despite speculation, Pelosi downplayed any lingering animosity, highlighting the importance of focusing on the Democratic Party's present challenges.

On the first evening of the Democratic National Convention, Pelosi was asked by CNN's Jake Tapper about possible lingering tensions between herself and President Biden. This inquiry came after Biden's historic announcement last month that he would step down from the 2024 presidential race, choosing instead to endorse his Vice President, Kamala Harris, as the party's nominee.

Pelosi, who has been a towering figure in the Democratic Party for decades, was reported to have played a significant role in urging Biden to make this decision. Following a poorly received debate performance, Democratic lawmakers, some reportedly coordinated by Pelosi, applied pressure on Biden to withdraw from the race.

Tapper Questions Pelosi On Potential Tensions

During the convention, Tapper questioned Pelosi about the possible resentment that might exist between her and Biden or his top aides, such as Anita Dunn and Ron Klain. Tapper suggested that despite Dunn's earlier statement that "nobody wants to fight with Nancy Pelosi at this time," there could still be residual bad blood.

Pelosi, known for her sharp political instincts and quick wit, responded by making light of the situation. She joked, "Sometimes you just have to take a punch for the children," signaling her willingness to endure difficult political situations for the greater good of the party.

However, Tapper pressed further, asking Pelosi if she had personally spoken to Biden about the matter. He seemed to probe whether the decision to step aside was a source of personal friction between the two long-time political allies.

Pelosi Downplays Personal Concerns

In response to Tapper's continued questioning, Pelosi emphasized that her focus had never been on personal issues with Biden but rather on the campaign's needs. "You know what? I had to do what I had to do. He decided for the country," she stated. Pelosi underscored that her concern was not with the president himself but with ensuring the campaign's success.

Pelosi went on to highlight the positive shift in the Democratic Party's momentum following Biden's decision. She pointed out the "exuberance" and "excitement" that have since emerged within the party, suggesting that the decision to endorse Harris had rejuvenated the Democratic base.

Pelosi Challenges The Relevance Of The Topic

Acknowledging the party's improved position, Tapper observed that the Democratic Party appeared much stronger than it had been just a few weeks earlier. This observation led Pelosi to question why anyone was discussing any residual tension between her and Biden.

"So why are we even talking about it?" Pelosi asked, challenging the relevance of the topic in light of the party's recent successes. Her question implied that dwelling on past tensions was unproductive, especially as the party gained momentum.

Tapper, in a moment of levity, admitted that the question was part of his script, saying, "They put it in my script and made me read it." The exchange ended on a humorous note, with co-host Dana Bash playfully calling Tapper "Ron Burgundy," referring to the fictional news anchor known for reading anything on the teleprompter.

Pelosi And Tapper Share A Lighthearted Moment

The conversation concluded with Tapper, Bash, and Pelosi engaging in a lighthearted exchange. Tapper joked that his cat was being "held hostage," adding to the playful banter that developed during the discussion. This humorous ending contrasted with the serious nature of the questions Tapper initially posed to Pelosi.

Pelosi demonstrated her ability to navigate challenging political questions while maintaining a focus on the broader needs of the Democratic Party at the Democratic National Convention. She emphasized the campaign's success and the party's improved position, showing her commitment to steering the party toward victory in the upcoming election.

As the Democratic Party rallies around Vice President Kamala Harris as its nominee, Pelosi's role in guiding the party through a period of transition highlights her enduring influence within the party. Her ability to address potential tensions with humor and pragmatism underscores her status as one of the most experienced and capable leaders in modern American politics.

The exchange between Pelosi and Tapper at the convention reminded viewers of the complex dynamics within the Democratic Party as it prepares for a crucial election season. While questions about past tensions may linger, Pelosi's focus on the future suggests that the party is moving forward with renewed purpose and unity.