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Pelosi Says 30% of Republicans Racist, Will Not Vote for Democrats

 September 10, 2024

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi shared candid remarks about the 2024 presidential race and Republican voters during an appearance at the Texas Tribune Festival.

Pelosi suggested that a significant portion of Republican voters would never vote for Democrats because of what she described as their ingrained racism, sexism, and homophobia, as Fox News reports.

The longtime Democratic Party lawmaker's comments highlighted divisions within the Republican electorate and included strong critiques of former President Donald Trump and his supporters.

At the Texas Tribune Festival, Pelosi said that about 30% of Republican voters are driven by factors that include their opposition to women, people of color, and the LGBTQ community. She added that this portion of the electorate would never align with Democrats, stating that they "just have a different orientation" toward these groups.

Pelosi Points to Wealthy Republicans and Fear of Change

Pelosi didn’t limit her criticism to just those motivated by bigotry. She also mentioned another segment of Republican voters who are very wealthy and oppose any form of regulation or tax increases. These individuals, she explained, contribute significantly to Republican campaigns, even though they are a smaller part of the population.

Addressing broader societal concerns, Pelosi acknowledged the fears some voters have about globalization, innovation, and immigration. She mentioned that these voters, while not necessarily bigoted, are concerned about economic changes that could impact their families, such as jobs moving overseas and technological advances that threaten traditional occupations, like truck driving.

Pelosi Draws Comparison to Clinton’s 2016 Comments

In her discussion, Pelosi’s remarks echoed those made by Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election. Clinton famously referred to a portion of Trump’s supporters as belonging to a "basket of deplorables," a comment that sparked significant backlash at the time. Pelosi appeared to agree with the sentiment behind Clinton’s comment, suggesting that a large group of Trump supporters harbor discriminatory views that will prevent them from ever supporting Democratic candidates.

Pelosi referred to Trump as a "snake oil salesman," a term meant to highlight his ability to sell questionable ideas to his followers. She suggested that Trump’s appeal to these groups is based on fear and misinformation, a point Clinton also raised during her 2016 campaign.

Speculation Over Trump’s Debate Appearance

In addition to her remarks about Republican voters, Pelosi speculated about whether Trump would attend the upcoming ABC News Presidential Debate. During a conversation with journalist Kara Swisher, Pelosi questioned Trump’s willingness to appear on the debate stage, saying, "You think he’s gonna show up?"

Swisher asked Pelosi if she had any inside information regarding Trump’s plans. Pelosi replied, "I know cowardice when I see it," implying that Trump might avoid the debate to shield himself from potential criticism or confrontation.

Trump’s Influence Over Republican Voters

Pelosi’s comments reflected a broader concern about Trump’s continued influence over the Republican electorate. She portrayed him as a divisive figure who exploits fear and resentment to maintain his support base. According to Pelosi, Trump’s "snake oil salesman" tactics resonate with voters who feel marginalized by globalization and technological change, even as they harbor discriminatory views.

While Pelosi acknowledged the legitimate concerns of some voters about economic displacement and immigration, she remained critical of how these fears are manipulated for political gain. She pointed to Trump’s rhetoric on issues like immigration and trade as examples of how she believes he stirs anxiety among his base.

Echoes of Past Political Divides

The conversation between Pelosi and Swisher revealed deep political divides that have defined recent elections. Clinton’s "basket of deplorables" comment in 2016, which Pelosi referenced, was a flashpoint in the last presidential election, symbolizing the sharp ideological rift between Trump supporters and the Democratic Party.

Pelosi’s remarks at the Texas Tribune Festival suggest that these divisions remain just as stark in 2024, with a significant portion of the electorate unwilling to consider voting for Democratic candidates. The former House speaker’s comments indicate that she sees these divisions as driven not only by political ideology but also by deeper social and cultural issues.


In summary, Nancy Pelosi’s comments at the Texas Tribune Festival provided a blunt assessment of the Republican electorate and its support for Donald Trump.

She suggested that 30% of Republican voters would never support Democrats due to their views on race, gender, and LGBTQ issues.

Additionally, she pointed to the influence of wealthy donors and voters fearful of globalization and technological change.

Her remarks echoed past comments made by Hillary Clinton and highlighted ongoing concerns about Trump’s ability to sway voters through divisive rhetoric.