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Pennsylvania voters prefer Trump and DeSantis to Biden

By Sarah May on
 April 7, 2023

President Joe Biden has continued to delay an announcement of whether he will run for re-election in 2024, but if a recent poll of Pennsylvania voters is any indication, he may want to think twice before jumping into the fray, as the Daily Mail reports.

Those results come in the wake of another new survey that showed Biden approaching record low numbers in a series of key demographic groups, fueling speculation that the president may ultimately choose to step aside after one term.

Pennsylvanians sour on Biden

According to a new poll from the Commonwealth Foundation, a larger proportion of Pennsylvania residents would prefer to have former President Donald Trump or Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis seek the nation's top job than the current occupant of the Oval Office.

Specifically, 34% of respondents indicated their preference that Trump appear on the ballot in the next presidential cycle, with an additional 26% saying the same about DeSantis.

By contrast, only 24% of participants expressed a hope that Biden would be among the choices when the time comes.

Out of those three, Trump is the only one to have already declared his candidacy, though DeSantis is widely expected to throw his hat into the ring in the near future.

Skeptical in Scranton

Even in his childhood hometown of Scranton, Biden's appeal among Pennsylvania's appears to be waning, as Reuters explained last month.

Despite the president's warm references to the city and the numerous landmarks in the area that bear his name, a growing number of locals seem to think it is time for Biden to retire.

Scranton native Donald Banks told the outlet, “The idea of a Biden-Trump rematch makes me cringe.”

Local Black activist Glyn Johns seemed to share that sentiment, declaring, “I still think there should be more than street names that are changed and highways that are renamed for you. Because those highways still have potholes. People that are on Biden Street are still struggling with their businesses.”

Declining approval

Adding to Biden's polling woes is a new Fox News national survey that shows continued inability to budge an approval rating among the national electorate that currently stands at a dismal 44%.

Pollster Daron Shaw pointed out that “Biden's numbers cratered in the fall of 2021 after the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle and the onset of hyperinflation. Since then, his approval has barely moved, despite a midterm election, economic ups and downs, and several legislative policy rollouts."

Underscoring the seriousness of the problems Biden is facing, the poll revealed that the president's standing among critical demographic categories remains especially low.

Biden's approval is at 42% among women, 41% among voters over age 45, 41% among suburban women, and 31% among rural voters, as Fox News noted, numbers that do not necessarily bode well for an incumbent.

Trump surges

Perhaps just as troubling to those in the Biden camp is a Rasmussen Reports survey released this week, which revealed that Trump has recently taken his largest lead in over year in terms of a hypothetical re-match of the 2020 contest, as the Mail noted separately.

According to the poll of likely voters, 47% of respondents said they would pull the lever for Trump, with just 40% opting for Biden.

Notably, most survey responses received by Rasmussen came in after the announcement of Trump's indictment by a Manhattan grand jury, perhaps dashing the hopes of those who assumed that criminal charges would sink the former president's hopes of a White House return.

Recent reports have suggested that Biden may push the launch of his campaign back until as late as this fall, but it remains unclear whether that is part of a broader strategic plan or is a tacit acknowledgment of the electoral headwinds he appears – at least for now – to be facing.