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Biden to Skip Zelensky Summit for Star-Studded LA Fundraiser, Sending Harris Instead

 June 4, 2024

In an unexpected scheduling decision, President Joe Biden has opted out of attending an upcoming peace summit with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, choosing instead to attend a high-profile fundraiser in Los Angeles.

President Biden will be represented by Vice President Kamala Harris and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at the summit scheduled in Switzerland for June 15-16, as the Daily Mail reports.

Biden's Missing Ukraine Summit

This news was formally announced by the White House on Monday, underlining a significant shift in the President's priorities following the G-7 summit in Italy.

As global leaders gather to discuss Ukraine's ongoing conflict at the Bürgenstock Hotel in Switzerland, Biden will instead join a fundraising event in Los Angeles.

The fundraiser, set to feature prominent figures such as former President Barack Obama, actors George Clooney and Julia Roberts, and TV host Jimmy Kimmel, has ticket prices that could soar up to $500,000. Proceeds are designated for the Biden Victory Fund, aimed at bolstering the President’s campaign coffers.

Zelensky's Disappointment and Appeal for Global Support

The Ukrainian president has not hidden his dissatisfaction with Biden's decision, voicing concerns in a strongly worded video message recorded from a Ukrainian war zone.

Zelensky highlighted that Russian President Vladimir Putin might gain a morale boost from Biden's absence at the summit.

The Ukrainian leader's direct words were, "Putin will only applaud his absence, personally applaud it -- and standing, at that." He also reached out to global leaders who have remained on the sidelines, emphasizing the importance of collective effort at the Global Peace Summit.

White House Defends Biden's Decision

In response to the criticisms and potential fallout, John Kirby, the White House National Security Communications Advisor, was quick to defend President Biden's choice.

He stated, "Ukraine has no stronger champion than President Biden, and the United States has actively participated in every single one of the previous Ukraine peace summits."

Kirby further reinforced the commitment of the U.S. by noting the high level of representation being sent to Switzerland.

"We’re sending the Vice President of the United States and the National Security Advisor to this particular peace summit ... that alone is a very serious representation by the United States," he explained.

Role of VP Harris at the Peace Summit

Vice President Kamala Harris, who will now take up a crucial role in Biden’s stead, has frequently talked about her engagements with global leaders. She reflected on these interactions during her campaign trails, often highlighting how these leaders have expressed their reliance on the U.S. and specifically on Joe Biden’s leadership.

As Harris prepares to join the summit with Jake Sullivan, her presence is seen as an affirmation of the U.S. commitment to Ukraine’s struggle and broader global stability.

Financial Stakes Paramount: The LA Fundraiser

The decision to skip the peace summit for a fundraiser may also highlight strategic domestic considerations by the Biden administration. With high ticket prices and elite guests, the event promises significant financial backing for Biden’s future political campaigns.

This could set a precedence on the balancing act between international diplomacy and domestic political strategy, especially in the volatile and visually distilled panorama of global politics.

Summary and Implications of Biden's Decision

In conclusion, President Joe Biden’s decision to forego the peace summit with President Volodymyr Zelensky represents a multifaceted strategic calculation that weighs domestic political gains against international diplomatic engagement.

With Vice President Kamala Harris stepping in his place, the administration continues to show its commitment to Ukraine, albeit amidst criticisms and potential geopolitical repercussions.