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Primary challenger calls Biden unelectable and weak

 January 22, 2024

Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03), during a campaign event in New Hampshire, voiced strong criticism of President Joe Biden, characterizing him as "unelectable and weak."

Phillips' sharp critique comes as President Biden opts out of participating in New Hampshire's Democratic presidential primary, as Fox News reported.

The lawmaker is currently running against Biden in the Democratic Party primary, with New Hampshire being a crucial battleground.

President Biden's choice to bypass the state's primary altogether stems from New Hampshire's refusal to relinquish its position as the first primary state in favor of South Carolina.

The Challenge in New Hampshire

Phillips is facing an uphill battle in New Hampshire, as Biden supporters have initiated a write-in campaign to counteract his efforts.

Despite this, Phillips remains optimistic, aiming to garner more than 20% of the vote.

He commented to reporters, "Sadly, it's going to demonstrate that our incumbent president is unelectable and weak and I think it's going to show this country that there's a candidate here who can actually do here what has been promised for generations."

Phillips also touched on the broader perception of Biden, suggesting that voters feel Biden's age is a deterrent to effectively leading the nation.

He equated this sentiment with views on former President Donald Trump.

Endorsement from Andrew Yang

In a notable development, former presidential candidate Andrew Yang endorsed Phillips during a last week event in New Hampshire.

Yang expressed his belief that Biden's continued candidacy hinders the Democratic Party's progress.

He emphatically endorsed Phillips, declaring, "If you want to run for president, your time is right now. In this time of need, only one person decided to place his country above his professional aspirations. That is the man I am proud to endorse tonight as the next President of the United States: Dean Phillips."

While acknowledging Biden's past achievements and service, Yang concluded that Biden is not a suitable candidate for the 2024 election.

He lauded Biden as "a substantial, accomplished president," who was the correct choice in 2020 but not for the upcoming election.

Public Opinion on Biden's Age

Recent polls have consistently indicated that a significant majority of Americans, including many Democrats, hold concerns regarding Biden's age and its impact on his capability to lead in a potential second term effectively.

This sentiment has been a recurring theme in discussions about the 2024 presidential race and is a key factor in the growing discourse within the Democratic Party.

According to an August 2023 Associated Press poll, 77% of respondents believed that Biden is too advanced in age to remain effective for another four years. This sentiment was shared by 89% of Republicans and 69% of Democrats.