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Prince Christian brings girlfriend to meet Denmark’s queen

 August 8, 2023

Rumors are abuzz as Prince Christian of Denmark has introduced his close friend, Princess Maria Chiara di Borbone-Two Sicilies, to his grandmother, Queen Margrethe.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Prince Christian's decision to host Princess Maria Chiara in Denmark and subsequently introduce her to his grandmother is seen as a significant gesture in royal circles. With Queen Margrethe known for her selective company, this move is widely interpreted as an informal nod of approval towards the young princess.

The two young royals, with their respective backgrounds and shared moments, have been the center of media attention, further fueling speculations about their relationship.

Rumored Royal relationship

Prince Christian, who is a mere 17 years old, made the bold move of introducing his companion, the 18-year-old Princess Maria Chiara di Borbone-Two Sicilies, to Queen Margrethe in June. The gesture, as most royal insiders have noted, is not a small one.

A source close to the matter highlighted the significance of the meeting:

They all took tea together. It's an informal stamp of approval for Chiara because Margrethe doesn't take tea with just anyone.

Given that Queen Margrethe is selective about her tea partners, this has led many to believe that this is her informal way of giving her blessings to the young princess as a match for the prince.

Chiara's admiration for the Queen

Princess Chiara was evidently nervous about her encounter with the iconic monarch. It seems she had long admired Queen Margrethe, having dreamt about meeting such a revered figure. The source added:

 Chiara was in awe of the Queen – it's been a dream of hers to meet such an iconic female ruler and she's been practising her curtsies for months.

While Chiara remained humble during her interactions with the Danish press, she openly expressed her fondness for Prince Christian.

Describing their bond, she referred to their "beautiful friendship" and shared moments of joy.

Speculations and sightings

Hints about their potential relationship first emerged when photos of them standing close at the Monaco Grand Prix surfaced on social media platforms.

Their recent vacation in St. Tropez, marked by cheerful ice-cream dates and Chiara's holiday snapshots, further fanned the flames.

As described by a Danish source:

Christian is definitely taken with Chiara - it remains to be seen if she feels the same. For now, they get along well, both families approve and they have a lot of similar tastes in music, sports and even film.

The Royal link

Chiara hails from an esteemed lineage as the youngest daughter of Prince Carlo, Duke of Castro, and Princess Camilla, Duchess of Castro.

Interestingly, her parents share a close camaraderie with Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik.

These deep-rooted family connections and their common interests lead many insiders to anticipate an official announcement of their relationship.

While nothing is confirmed, the fervent attention from their avid followers promises to keep the rumor mills active.

Other Royal News: Count Nikolai's move

Last month it was revealed that Princess Mary's nephew, Count Nikolai of Denmark, will be relocating to Australia to attend university. This decision comes after he was divested of his royal HRH title by Queen Margrethe.

The decision to revise the titles of several young royals earlier this year was described by Queen Margrethe as a step that will be beneficial for their futures, allowing them greater autonomy to design their life path.

That move, though controversial, still permits the children to retain their line of succession.


  • Prince Christian introduced Princess Maria Chiara to Queen Margrethe, sparking relationship rumors.
  • Chiara has always held Queen Margrethe in high esteem and was in awe during their meeting.
  • Speculations about their relationship began with a picture from the Monaco Grand Prix and further sightings in St. Tropez.
  • Chiara is closely related to the royal family, being the daughter of Prince Carlo and Princess Camilla.