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Prince Harry says brother William screamed at him in 'terrifying' 2020 encounter

By Sarah May on
 December 17, 2022

In their recent six-part Netflix docuseries, Harry & Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex detail the history of their relationship and their decision to step back from active roles within the British royal family, and during one episode, the disgruntled prince accuses William -- his brother and heir to the throne -- of screaming at him over the couple's plans to leave the U.K., according to Rolling Stone.

The alleged incident occurred during the so-called “Sandringham Summit” in January of 2020, when Harry, William, now-King Charles and then-Queen Elizabeth assembled to discuss the Sussexes wish to move to North America and transition to “half-in, half-out” status within the family in which they would be free to seek their own fortune abroad, while occasionally working in support of the institution.

Six-part exposé

The Sussex duo have made no secret of their dissatisfaction with the treatment they have received at the hands of the British media as well as the duke's family, and the six-part series, billed by Netflix as a “global event,” delves into the myriad ways in which Harry and Meghan feel aggrieved.

In the first three episodes, the couple discuss the early days of their courtship, engagement, and marriage, as well as their past individual struggles with things such as the loss of Harry's mother, Diana, during his early teen years and Meghan's mixed-race background growing in America.

The second batch of hour-long sessions, however, proved rather more explosive in terms of the claims lobbed at the royal family as well as the U.K. Press, with the husband and wife explaining the trauma caused by perceived tabloid attacks on Meghan and the reaction from the institutions of the monarchy, which they clearly deemed insufficient and motivated by racism and jealousy.

“Sandringham Summit” explodes

During episode five, viewers are walked through the events of the aforementioned “Sandringham Summit” in an effort to illustrate precisely the hostility Meghan and Harry continue to claim they received from the royal family, as the New York Post explained.

The duke recalled what unfolded when he turned up to meet with those who would ultimately determine whether his and Meghan's “half-in, half-out” request would be granted, noting, “it became very clear very quickly that goal was not up for discussion or debate.”

According to Harry, the scene rapidly devolved in tone to the point where “[i]t was terrifying to have my brother scream and shout at me, and my father saying things that just simply weren't true, and my grandmother quietly sit there and sort of take it all in.”

Harry also recalled that on the very same day of the Sandringham screaming match, “a story came out saying that part of the reason why Meghan and I were leaving was because William had bullied us out.”

“Once I got in the car after the meeting, I was told about a joint statement that have been put up in my name and my brother's name squashing the story about him bullying us out of the family, Harry said. “I couldn't believe it. No one had asked me permission to put my name to a statement like that,” he added, hinting that he did not agree with the content of that communication.

U.K. skeptics speak out

Millions around the world celebrated right along with Harry and Meghan when the wed back in May of 2018, with many sharing a sense of optimism that the prince's new bride would be a breath of fresh air within the staid institution of the monarchy.

However, the intervening years have drawn significant backlash, with a host of commentators slamming the pair for the seemingly unending list of complaints and attacks on family members, even in the face of their own unimaginable privilege.

Outspoken Sussex critic from the U.K,, Piers Morgan, recently declared that the couple's 'incessant whining is so insufferably exhausting,” and described the claims they lobbed at William and the rest of the royal family “a grotesque and sickening betrayal.”

Journalist Dan Wootton dubbed the Netflix series a “delusional fantasy of victimhood, as the U.K. Express noted recently and called Harry's account of the Sandringham Summit “the end of his relationship with his own brother, saying, “Princess Diana would be devastated.”

Turning tide

Even in the United States, where the Sussexes have long attracted more favorable coverage than in Britain, a number of prominent media voices have been highly critical of the Netflix series and the smug ingratitude and out-of-touch demeanor its stars display.

Journalist Megyn Kelly held little back in her assessment of the series, declaring it an “uninspiring, interminable waste of time” and suggesting that Harry needs a “real psychotherapist” instead of a “whiny, woke, annoying wife.”

Seeming to echo the sentiments of many who sat through the highly produced and artfully edited program, Kelly said, “Believe it or not, this couple is still complaining,” even though they have “two perfectly healthy children...and nearly $200 million in the bank thanks to their insatiable desire to 'finally tell their story.'”

Whether the Netflix series revealed the extent of the incendiary allegations Harry and Meghan have to offer is something that remains to be seen, as the Duke of Sussex is also set to release a memoir, provocatively titled Spare in January of 2023.