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Pro-Israel Protesters Urge Schumer’s Resignation Amid Allegations Of Betrayal

 May 12, 2024

Dozens of protesters rallied outside Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's office in Manhattan, voicing strong criticism over his recent political stances.

In a vocal demonstration, Israel supporters called for Schumer's resignation, criticizing his perceived betrayal over weapon withholdings amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, as the New York Post reports.

Demonstration Sparks Over Schumer’s Stance

Last Friday, a crowd gathered outside Schumer's office. Protesters accused the senator of turning his back on Israel during a critical time.

Their discontent stemmed from Schumer's support for President Biden's controversial decision to withhold weapons intended for Israeli operations in Rafah.

Participants carried both American and Israeli flags, openly expressing their disapproval. Chants such as "Schumer, the doomer! It’s time to resign!" echoed through the streets of Manhattan, emphasizing the protesters' demand.

Protesters Label Schumer a "Traitor"

Among the protesters was Joseph Borgen, a Manhattan real estate worker who felt betrayed by Schumer's actions. He passionately expressed a desire for Schumer to resist Biden's policies regarding Israel. "I would like to see him step up and stand up to President Biden," Borgen stated during the rally.

Similarly, Silvia, an Upper East Side resident, criticized Schumer’s hesitancy in supporting Israel's military needs compared to other countries. "Start with the arms, the bottom line. Send as much arms to Israel as they do to Ukraine," she urged.

Addressing the Rise of Antisemitism

Another speaker, Abraham Hamra, a Syrian Jewish refugee, highlighted the troubling rise of antisemitism on college campuses. He criticized Schumer for his silence on the matter, stressing the urgency of the situation. "Antisemitism on college campuses has been blowing up out of control," Hamra declared, adding, "Out of control, and Schumer has been silent! Not a word!"

Approximately 40 individuals participated in the protest, holding signs and speaking out about the perceived betrayal by Schumer, whom they labeled a "traitor" and "putrid human being."

Response from Schumer’s Office

In response to the escalating criticism, Schumer’s office released statements emphasizing his support for Israel. A representative highlighted that Schumer had facilitated a substantial aid package.

"The senator just delivered $14 billion in aid to Israel last week without conditions," the spokesman explained.

Additionally, Schumer's condemnation of the violent protests at Columbia University was reiterated. He had strongly condemned the storming and looting by protesters, advocating for severe consequences against the lawbreakers.

"Smashing windows with hammers and taking over university buildings is not free speech. It is lawlessness, and those who did it should promptly face the consequences that are not nearly a slap on the wrist," Schumer stated, addressing the incidents involving antisemitic acts and violence.

Community Reactions to Schumer’s Decisions

The protest not only attracted local residents but also garnered attention from various community members who felt Schumer's actions or lack thereof directly impacted them.

An 80-year-old protester described Schumer as immovable, equating him to a rock, indicating deep-seated dissatisfaction among constituents of all ages.

Schumer's longstanding assertion of an "ironclad relationship" between Israel and America was mentioned by his office in an attempt to reaffirm his commitment despite recent controversies.

In conclusion, the demonstration outside Schumer’s office underscored a significant divide among his constituents, with strong opinions on both his actions and inactions regarding U.S. foreign policy and antisemitism.

As tensions remain high, the responses from Schumer's office seek to reaffirm his commitment to Israel and address concerns regarding antisemitism, though many remain unconvinced of his stance.