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Prosecutors Present Hunter Biden's Texts, Audio in Gun Case

 June 5, 2024

Federal prosecutors have introduced Hunter Biden's own words as evidence to support their claim that he was a drug addict who lied on a federal firearms application in 2018.

On the first day of testimony in Delaware, prosecutors used Hunter Biden’s voice and text messages to build their case, presenting a detailed account of his drug addiction and behavior around the time he purchased a revolver, as the Washington Times reports.

Evidence from Text Messages and Videos

Prosecutors began by playing excerpts from Hunter Biden's memoir, where he openly discussed his struggles with drug addiction.

This narrative was intended to establish a timeline and context for his actions in 2018. The government highlighted specific passages where Hunter Biden described his drug use, reinforcing their claim that he was an active user at the time he filled out the firearm application.

The evidence presented also included a series of text messages in which Hunter Biden allegedly admitted to smoking crack just days after buying the weapon. These messages were shown to illustrate his ongoing drug use and were corroborated by videos displaying Hunter Biden shirtless with a crack pipe and a white substance on a scale.

FBI Special Agent Erika Jensen testified about expletive-laden texts between Hunter Biden and Hallie Biden concerning a disposed gun. She verified that a laptop from a Delaware repair shop in 2019 belonged to Hunter Biden, further supporting the prosecutors' case.

Prosecutors Outline Firearm Application Violations

Prosecutors argued that the combination of Hunter Biden's memoir, text messages, and videos demonstrated he was abusing drugs when he filled out the federal firearms application in October 2018. This claim is central to the three felony charges against Hunter Biden for lying on the form by stating he was not an unlawful user of controlled substances.

In court, Hunter Biden remained emotionless as excerpts from his memoir detailing his addiction were played. First lady Jill Biden was present in court, listening attentively to the proceedings.

Defense Challenges Prosecution's Claims

Defense attorney Abbe Lowell countered the prosecution’s claims by arguing that they could not prove Hunter Biden knowingly lied on the firearms application. He pointed out that evidence from before and after the gun purchase suggested Hunter Biden did not consider himself an addict at the time, as he had recently left rehabilitation.

Lowell emphasized that people with addictions are often in a "deep state of denial" about their drug use, making it difficult to establish intent. He further noted that Hunter Biden’s self-assessment of his addiction status was not a clear-cut indication of his mental state when he filled out the application.

Text Messages and Financial Records Reviewed

Special Agent Jensen also authenticated a series of text messages from Hunter Biden’s devices, which were presented in court. These messages included a conversation from Oct. 23, 2018, between Hunter Biden and Hallie Biden about a missing gun. The exchange showcased the tension and concern over the firearm's whereabouts.

Prosecutors also reviewed bank records showing large cash withdrawals made by Hunter Biden before purchasing the gun. This financial activity was intended to illustrate his erratic behavior and support the claim of his ongoing drug use.

Defense Plans to Call Witnesses

As the trial progresses, defense attorney Lowell has indicated plans to call James Biden as a witness. This move aims to highlight the close relationship between James and Hunter Biden and counter accusations from House Republicans about dubious business deals involving the Biden family.

James Biden has testified in Congress that he never used his brother Joe Biden's name for personal gain, a point the defense may use to argue against the credibility of claims about the Biden family's alleged misconduct.


Federal prosecutors have presented a comprehensive case against Hunter Biden, utilizing his own words, text messages, and financial records to argue that he lied on a federal firearms application in 2018.

The defense has challenged these claims by questioning the prosecution’s ability to prove intent and highlighting Hunter Biden's state of mind at the time.

As the trial continues, the court will hear more testimonies and evidence to determine the outcome of this high-profile case.