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Kelley Paul Rebukes CNN Host's Comments on Assault of Husband

 June 25, 2024

Sen. Rand Paul's wife, Kelley Paul, has lashed out at CNN host Kasie Hunt following a contentious interview on CNN involving Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt, and the controversy revolves around the cable personality's past remarks about an assault on Rand Paul.

During an interview intended to preview a debate between former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden, CNN host Kasie Hunt cut off the microphone of Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt after she criticized the network’s coverage, a scenario that prompted Paul to weigh in, as the Daily Wire reports.

Monday's interview became heated soon after Leavitt described CNN as a “hostile environment” for Trump. She singled out moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash for what she perceived as biased coverage. As Leavitt continued her remarks, Hunt ended the interview abruptly.

Following the incident, Kelley Paul took to social media to voice her disapproval of Hunt’s actions and remarks. She accused Hunt of having previously celebrated an act of violence against her husband, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY).

Past Remarks By Hunt Resurface

Kelley Paul referenced a comment made by Hunt in which she referred to the 2017 assault on Sen. Paul by his neighbor, Rene Boucher, as her “favorite story.” The attack had left Sen. Paul with six broken ribs and bruises to his lungs.

A video clip showing Hunt’s comments about the attack surfaced. In the video, Hunt spoke about the incident and described new details that had emerged about the assault. She went on to comment that the story of Sen. Paul’s injuries was one of her “favorites.”

Following her initial comments, Hunt attempted to backpedal, making a statement about not wanting Sen. Paul to struggle with his injuries. However, her remarks had already sparked controversy.

Kelley Paul Speaks Out

Kelley Paul highlighted Hunt’s comments on social media, pointing out what she viewed as a double standard. She accused Hunt of lacking sensitivity towards her husband's suffering at the time of the assault.

“.@kasie celebrated actual violence against Rand Paul on air,” Kelley Paul posted. “She described his assault and injuries as her 'favorite story.' Now she hysterically calls legitimate criticism of Jake Tapper 'an attack.'”

Hunt’s comments drew backlash from various quarters, prompting her to issue an apology.

The CNN personality posted on social media, stating, “There’s nothing funny about 6 broken ribs — my apologies to @RandPaul for suggesting on air earlier today there was. Hope your recovery is on the right track, senator, looking forward to seeing you in the hallways soon.”

Kelley Paul Recalls Events

Kelley Paul did not hold back in detailing the extent of her husband’s injuries from the 2017 assault. She shared her distress over Hunt’s remarks and the impact they had on her and her husband while he was struggling to recover.

“I was caring for Rand as he struggled to breathe in terrible pain as you called his attack and injuries ‘one of my favorite stories’ on air,” Kelley Paul posted. “Yet you still have a job."

In addition to addressing Hunt’s comments about the 2017 assault, Kelley Paul also referenced Hunt’s remarks following the 2022 attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband. Kelley Paul suggested a pattern of behavior in Hunt's on-air commentary.


In summary, Kelley Paul criticized CNN host Kasie Hunt for her past remarks about an assault on Sen. Rand Paul after a contentious interview involving a Trump spokeswoman.

During the interview, Kasie Hunt abruptly cut off Karoline Leavitt's microphone when she criticized CNN’s coverage.

Kelley Paul highlighted Hunt's previous comments about the assault on her husband, accusing her of celebrating violence and lacking sensitivity. Hunt's prior statements about the incident and the apology she issued afterward have since come under scrutiny.

This incident has drawn attention to the ongoing debate surrounding media bias and the responsibilities of news anchors in handling sensitive topics. As discussions continue, the Paul family’s experience serves as a reminder of the lasting impact of words and actions.