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Rachel Maddow Startles 'The View' with Bold Claims About Supreme Court Justices

 June 20, 2024

Far-left cable news host Rachel Maddow recently voiced severe criticisms of the Supreme Court during her appearance on The View, particularly targeting Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

Maddow called on Chief Justice John Roberts to act against what she labeled as rampant corruption within the Supreme Court from the conservative side of the bench, as the Daily Mail reports.

A well-known liberal commentator and a fixture on MSNBC, Maddow has been vocal about her opposition to conservative policies and figures, including former President Donald Trump.

Her recent comments on The View emphasized the alleged ethical breaches by Justices Thomas and Alito, casting a shadow on the Supreme Court's integrity.

Maddow Criticizes Supreme Court on National TV

During her talk, Maddow pointed to recent controversies involving the justices. She highlighted that Justice Thomas had admitted to receiving expensive gifts from businessman Harlan Crow, which surfaced due to an investigative report last year. This admission has sparked a broader discussion about the transparency and ethics of Supreme Court justices.

Justice Samuel Alito was also part of the discussion for displaying an upside-down American flag at his home, a decision he attributed to his wife following the unsettling events of the Jan. 6 Capitol unrest.

This act, which is often seen as a distress signal, raised eyebrows and contributed to the backlash Alito faced.

Allegations of Corruption Discussed

Maddow explicitly accused Justices Thomas and Alito of "flagrant corruption," a statement that surprised co-host Sunny Hostin due to its forthrightness. Maddow's assertion about the partiality of these justices, particularly in cases potentially affecting Trump, stirred a notable reaction from the audience and other panelists on the show.

She compared the situation to MSNBC, suggesting that if similar conflicts of interest were present in her workplace, they would be addressed more rigorously.

"If there was a member of my family lobbying the White House chief of staff, saying, 'overturn this election result,' you think they'd let me cover that election result, let alone give a binding judicial ruling on that election result?" Maddow questioned on the show.

Maddow’s Fear Over Trump's Re-Election

In a separate CNN interview, Maddow discussed her fears regarding the consequences of Trump potentially returning to power. She speculated about the establishment of internment camps as part of Trump's rhetoric against what he termed the "enemy from within," a prospect she finds genuinely alarming.

Her concerns were, she said, based on historical precedents, which she believes should not be taken lightly. "He's not joking when he says this stuff, and we've seen what happens when people take power proclaiming that kind of agenda," Maddow stated, emphasizing the seriousness of the threat.

Maddow: Broad Implications for Society Under Trump

Maddow expressed worries that Trump’s authoritarian tendencies would not only target known liberals but could extend much further.

"Do you really think he plans to stop at well-known liberals?" she posed, suggesting a broader danger to many individuals under a potential Trump administration.

Her rhetoric questioned what she said was the naiveté of those who might feel safe or believe they could benefit from aligning with Trump, citing the example of former Vice President Mike Pence, who experienced significant fallout from his loyalty to Trump during and after the Capitol riot.

"When Trump invokes the Insurrection Act to deploy the U.S. military against civilians on his first day in office, do you think he then rescinds the order on day two?" Maddow asked rhetorically, highlighting the potential for long-term, widespread abuse of power.


Maddow's appearance on The View was intended as a potent reminder of the ongoing debates about the ethics and integrity of the U.S. Supreme Court.

The liberal television personality's calls for Chief Justice John Roberts to take decisive action to police the court and uphold the legal system were in line with her stated concerns about the impartiality and corruption within America's highest court.

As controversies continue to emerge, the need for transparency and accountability at all levels of government, particularly within the judiciary, becomes increasingly apparent.