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Ramaswamy says he is not interested in running for VP, would turn down offers

 August 21, 2023

GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy has made his stance clear: he won't consider accepting the vice president's role if he's not selected as the Republican Party's nominee for the top job, as Daily Wire reports.

Ramaswamy's Commitment

During a Saturday interview with Neil Cavuto on Fox News' Cavuto Live, the entrepreneur expressed his determination.

Ramaswamy stated, likening himself to former President Donald Trump, "Neither of us does well in a number-two position."

When questioned about the possibility of accepting a VP offer, Ramaswamy expressed his belief in his ability to lead, particularly in the organizations he has previously constructed.

He indicated that his focus on the federal government and his ambition to reunite the nation would be most effectively served if he assumed the top position. His leadership qualities, he suggested, are best suited to fulfilling his goal from the highest office.

Private Sector Over Government Subordinates

The aspiring leader also stated his inclination to foster change through private enterprise rather than accepting a lesser role within the federal government.

When Cavuto pressed that the vice presidency was just "a heartbeat away" from the highest office, Ramaswamy reaffirmed that he would decline the offer if presented.

Message and Vision

Ramaswamy then elaborated on the principles underlying his decision. He clarified that his campaign is not fueled by a pursuit for "personal power" but a mission to "revive our missing national identity."

He expressed his commitment to engaging younger generations and believes he can best do so from the presidential seat.

According to the average of polls compiled by RealClear Politics, former President Trump is presently at the forefront of the Republican contenders/. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis trails him, followed by Ramaswamy.

However, in recent weeks, Ramaswamy, a figure who was primarily unknown in political circles before launching his campaign, has been showing signs of growth in some polls.

"We're doing well -- I am speaking the truth in an unapologetic way," he told Cavuto.

The presidential candidate added, "I'm now in second place in many of the polls coming out over the weekend."

He further stated that his approach will not center on what the Republican Party is attempting to avoid or "running from," but rather, he will concentrate on the goals and principles the party is advancing towards or "running to."

Other GOP Candidates' Perspectives

Ramaswamy is not alone in his sentiments concerning the vice president's role. Other prominent Republican figures, like DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, have also dismissed the notion of running for the second spot.

DeSantis bluntly stated on the Wisconsin Right Now radio show, "I don't think so, I'm not a No. 2 guy."

Likewise, Haley affirmed in a conversation with Politico, "I don't run for second."