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Rashida Tlaib urges Michigan voters to send a message to Biden in upcoming primary

 February 19, 2024

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has called on Democrats in her state to vote "uncommitted" in the upcoming primary, signaling a sharp critique of President Joe Biden's policies.

In a surprising move, Tlaib has taken a stand against President Joe Biden by urging voters in her state to send a message to Biden in the Democratic presidential primary.

Tlaib's bold stance highlights a significant rift within the Democratic Party, stemming from disagreements over foreign policy and the administration's handling of international conflicts, as reported by The Blaze.

Tlaib's call for a voting block against Biden

During a public appearance in Dearborn, Michigan, Tlaib voiced her concerns over the U.S. government's approach to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

She emphasized the need for a voting bloc that would send a clear message to the current administration, advocating for peace and condemning the support of war.

She said:

It is important, as you all know, to not only march against the genocide, not only make sure that we're calling our members of Congress and local electeds and passing city resolutions all throughout our country – it is also important to create a voting block, something that is a bullhorn to say enough is enough.

Tlaib's critique extends beyond general policy disagreements, focusing specifically on the administration's role in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

She lamented the loss of lives in Gaza and called for greater visibility and consideration of those affected by the war.

The Listen to Michigan campaign's stance

The Listen to Michigan campaign, which shared Tlaib's video, has taken a strong position against Biden's foreign policy.

The group is particularly opposed to his administration's support for Israel in the conflict with Hamas.

The campaign seeks to use the Michigan Democratic primary as a platform to send a clear signal to Biden, advocating for a dramatic change in U.S. policy towards the region.

The organization is so committed to its cause that it has expressed willingness to risk aiding former President Donald Trump's chances in the 2024 election, emphasizing the importance of policy change over party allegiance.

The Listen to Michigan website highlights the narrow margin by which Trump won Michigan in 2016, suggesting that Michigan Democrats opposed to Biden's Gaza policy could influence the outcome of the November election.

Tlaib's ongoing criticism of Biden's foreign policy

Tlaib has consistently voiced her dissatisfaction with the Biden administration's handling of the Israel-Hamas war.

She has urged the president to listen to Democrats who demand a ceasefire and an end to U.S. support for Israel's military actions in Gaza.

In December, Tlaib directly addressed Biden.

She emphasized the need for him to represent all Americans and to heed the calls for peace from those who supported his election.

The Michigan Democratic primary, scheduled for Feb. 27, is shaping up to be a crucial battleground for internal party debates over foreign policy and the direction of the Democratic Party under Biden's leadership.


  • Rep. Rashida Tlaib has publicly opposed President Joe Biden, urging Michigan Democrats to vote "uncommitted" in the upcoming primary.
  • Tlaib criticizes Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas conflict and calls for a shift in U.S. foreign policy towards peace.
  • The Listen to Michigan campaign supports Tlaib's stance, emphasizing the impact Michigan Democrats could have on Biden's re-election prospects.
  • Tlaib's actions highlight a significant divide within the Democratic Party, with potential implications for the 2024 presidential election.