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Rep. Glenn Thompson says his ‘faith in God is strong’ amidst prostate cancer diagnosis

 December 6, 2023

Rep. Glenn Thompson, a Pennsylvania Republican, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and is set to undergo treatment.

On Monday, Rep. Thompson shared the news of his prostate cancer diagnosis. This development came to light following a routine physical and subsequent medical tests.

Despite the diagnosis, Thompson remains committed to continuing his legislative duties while undergoing treatment, as the Washington Examiner reported.

Faith and optimism guide Thompson through diagnosis

Thompson, known for his optimistic outlook and strong faith, expressed his gratitude towards his medical team, family, and colleagues.

He emphasized his unwavering faith in God and his readiness to face this challenge head-on.

Thompson's approach is marked by a blend of personal belief and a positive attitude.

Thompson said:

Anyone who's worked with me knows I am a person of faith as well an eternal optimist, both of which will guide me as I undergo treatment. I am grateful to my medical team, my family, everyone I work with and represent in Congress. My faith in God is strong and I will tackle this head on. I appreciate both prayers and privacy during this time.

The lawmaker, who first joined Congress in 2008 representing Pennsylvania's 5th Congressional District, was later redistricted to the 15th Congressional District in 2015.

His future plans regarding the 2024 elections remain unannounced.

Thompson's diagnosis in the broader context of Congressional health challenges

This announcement marks the first cancer diagnosis among House Republicans since Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) disclosed his battle with multiple myeloma in late August.

Scalise, like Thompson, has continued his legislative work while undergoing treatment, often taking extra precautions such as wearing face masks in the Capitol.

The news of Thompson's diagnosis brings to light the personal challenges faced by public figures.

It underscores the reality that health issues do not discriminate, affecting individuals from all walks of life, including those in high-profile positions.

Thompson's commitment to his work, despite his health concerns, reflects a dedication to public service. It also highlights the importance of regular health check-ups, which in Thompson's case, led to the early detection of his condition.

Community and political response to Thompson's diagnosis

The announcement has garnered attention and support from various quarters, including fellow lawmakers, constituents, and the broader community. This support underscores the respect and goodwill Thompson has earned over his years in public service.

Thompson's openness about his diagnosis and treatment journey is likely to raise awareness about prostate cancer. It may also encourage others to prioritize their health and seek regular medical check-ups.

As Thompson navigates his treatment, the support from his family, medical team, and colleagues will be crucial. His situation serves as a reminder of the value of a strong support system in times of personal health crises.


  • Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, following a routine physical and subsequent tests.
  • Thompson, known for his faith and optimism, plans to continue his legislative duties while undergoing treatment.
  • His diagnosis brings attention to the health challenges faced by public figures and the importance of regular health screenings.
  • The support from his community and colleagues highlights the respect Thompson commands in his public service role.
  • Thompson's journey may influence public awareness and discussions around healthcare, particularly cancer treatment and prevention.