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Republican Lawmaker Accuses Harris of Feigning Support for Second Amendment

 September 22, 2024

Democratic Party presidential nominee Kamala Harris is facing scrutiny for her recent efforts to align herself with Second Amendment supporters, despite a record of advocating for gun control.

Rep. Rich McCormick (R-CA) called out what he views as Harris' disingenuous reversal during an interview on Prime News on Friday, as Newsmax reports.

McCormick criticized Harris for presenting herself as a gun owner and supporter of the Second Amendment, arguing it is a tactic aimed at gaining votes during an election cycle.

He believes Harris's recent stance contrasts with her previous advocacy for stricter gun regulations, including support for gun buybacks, bans on semiautomatic weapons, and increased home inspections for gun storage.

McCormick Argues Democrats Change Positions During Elections

McCormick expressed his belief that Democrats, like Harris, often adjust their positions on key issues during elections. According to McCormick, Harris's current stance on the Second Amendment is part of a broader strategy employed by Democrats to appeal to a wider range of voters. He claimed that these shifts often come at the expense of consistency, stating that, once elected, Democrats typically reverse their positions on critical issues.

"They pretend they're for fracking, the Second Amendment, low taxes, and regulation," McCormick said. "Right up until the time of the election, they change their colors like chameleons."

McCormick added that he believes Democrats, once in power, will pursue policies that threaten gun rights and the Second Amendment. He specifically mentioned Harris’s past support for banning "assault weapons" as evidence of her true stance on gun control.

Defining “Assault Weapons” Remains an Issue

One of McCormick's main criticisms of Harris is her stance on assault weapons. While Harris has spoken about the need to remove these weapons from the streets, McCormick pointed out that she has not clearly defined what constitutes an assault weapon.

"When you talk about assault weapons, what does that mean?" McCormick asked during his interview. He noted that Harris's lack of definition on the issue is a cause for concern, particularly given the focus on banning certain firearms. McCormick also argued that most violent crimes in the United States involve handguns, not the semiautomatic rifles often labeled as assault weapons.

Debate Over Gun Ownership, Crime

In addition to his criticism of Harris’s position on assault weapons, McCormick highlighted the reality that most killings in the U.S. are committed using illegally owned firearms, rather than legally acquired weapons. He expressed skepticism that further regulations on law-abiding gun owners would lead to a reduction in violence.

McCormick described attempts to disarm lawful gun owners as hypocritical and ineffective, citing the prevalence of illegally obtained firearms in criminal activity. "They think that by taking people's guns, the people who lawfully buy a weapon, they're going to get rid of the violence," McCormick said. "It's never worked and never will."

McCormick Calls Harris’s Strategy Hypocritical

Throughout his remarks, McCormick repeatedly emphasized the inconsistency he sees in Harris’s approach to gun control and the Second Amendment. He described her public persona as contradictory, accusing her of pretending to back the Second Amendment while planning to enact restrictions on gun rights if elected.

"The Democrats absolutely want to have control of everything," McCormick stated. "They come after the weapons that we have to defend ourselves against a powerful and overreaching government."

McCormick's comments reflect a broader concern among conservative lawmakers and voters who view Harris’s previous advocacy for gun control as incompatible with her current portrayal as a gun owner and Second Amendment supporter. This discrepancy, according to McCormick, is emblematic of a larger pattern within the Democratic Party.

Final Criticisms and Political Implications

As the presidential campaign continues, Harris's stance on gun control is likely to remain a point of contention. McCormick's remarks on Newsmax highlight the challenges Harris may face in convincing voters of her commitment to protecting the Second Amendment, given her record of supporting gun control measures.

McCormick concluded his interview by urging voters to remain vigilant and to question the sincerity of Harris's statements on gun rights. He argued that her current position is likely a political maneuver designed to appeal to a broader base, rather than a reflection of her true beliefs on the issue.

In summary, Rep. McCormick accused Kamala Harris of misleading voters with her pro-Second Amendment stance, pointing to her history of supporting gun control measures.

McCormick believes that once in office, Democrats, including Harris, will reverse their positions on gun rights, enacting policies that restrict the Second Amendment.

Harris’s lack of clarity on defining assault weapons and McCormick's concerns about the use of illegally owned firearms have become central points of debate as the election approaches.