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Trump Supporter and Billionaire Dan Snyder Allegedly Blocking Release of Trump Biopic

 June 20, 2024

The release of "The Apprentice," a biopic portraying former President Donald Trump in a controversial light, has reportedly been obstructed by billionaire Dan Snyder. Snyder, known for his former ownership of the Washington Redskins and his support for Trump, has been an indirect barrier to the film's distribution in the United States.

Breitbart reported that Billionaire Dan Snyder is allegedly preventing the U.S. release of a biopic that casts former President Donald Trump negatively, citing potential legal battles and controversial content.

Despite showcasing at the Cannes Film Festival, where it generated significant attention, "The Apprentice" has struggled to secure a U.S. distributor. Snyder's involvement stems from his financial stake in Kinematics, the production company run by his son-in-law, who is a critical player in the film's production.

Legal Pressures from Trump's Campaign

Following the film's premiere at Cannes, Trump's campaign issued threats of legal action against the filmmakers. Trump's team, led by campaign chief spokesperson Steven Cheung, announced plans to file a lawsuit to address what they termed "blatantly false assertions" by the film's creators.

Cheung further attacked the biopic, describing it as "malicious defamation." This aggressive legal posture has contributed to the hesitancy among U.S. distributors to engage with the film, fearful of potential legal entanglements.

Moreover, Trump's legal representatives sent a cease-and-desist letter to the film's director, Ali Abbasi, and screenwriter, Gabriel Sherman, urging them to discontinue their efforts to secure a distribution deal.

Director's Hopes for Election Influence

Despite the controversies and challenges, director Ali Abbasi remains hopeful about releasing the film before the November presidential election. Abbasi aims for the biopic to be available during the presidential debates, potentially influencing public opinion.

The film, financed mainly through international investors with some domestic contributions, features Sebastian Stan as Donald Trump. It includes contentious scenes depicting Trump engaged in acts of rape and undergoing cosmetic surgery, aspects likely contributing to its polarized reception.

Noteworthy is the film's portrayal of Roy Cohn, played by Jeremy Strong, who was a mentor to Trump. These character dynamics are integral to the narrative constructed by Abbasi and Sherman.

Public and Media Reactions to the Film

Initial reactions to "The Apprentice" vary widely, with some dismissing its potential impact on the presidential race. An unnamed source quoted by The Daily Beast argued that the influence of such a film on electoral outcomes is "laughable." This sentiment echoes broader skepticism about the power of cinema to sway voter behavior significantly.

On the other hand, the detailed and negative portrayal of Trump has alarmed some, including Trump's late first wife, Ivana, who had previously refuted similar accusations against Trump made in different contexts.

The challenge remains for Abbasi and his team to navigate the minefield of political sensitivities and legal threats to bring their vision to the public.

Conclusion: A Struggle Beyond the Screen

"The Apprentice" is caught in a web of political controversy, legal challenges, and distribution blockades. Dan Snyder's involvement through his financial connections and the Trump campaign's legal threats have clouded the film's future.

Director Ali Abbasi's goal to release the movie before the presidential debates highlights the timed urgency and political implications of its release.

Whether the film will ever reach U.S. audiences remains determined, illustrating the complex interplay between politics, law, and the media in America.