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Report: Envelope with white powder delivered to Donald Trump Jr.'s home

 February 27, 2024

An envelope containing an unknown white powder was sent to Donald Trump Jr.'s home in Florida, prompting a significant emergency response.

On Monday, a suspicious envelope addressed to Trump Jr., the eldest son of the former President Donald Trump, was discovered at his Florida residence.

The envelope, which contained an unidentified white powder, prompted immediate action from local emergency services, including hazmat teams and fire departments. The incident quickly drew national attention due to the potential threat it posed, the New York Post reported.

Emergency teams rush to Trump Jr.'s residence

The discovery of the envelope was made after Donald Trump Jr. opened it within his home, located in the upscale environs of Jupiter, Florida.

The immediate area around the property was quickly secured by authorities as they began their investigation into the nature of the white powder.

A spokesperson for Trump Jr. stated that initial tests on the substance were inconclusive, leaving its exact nature a mystery. Despite the uncertainty, officials on-site expressed initial beliefs that the powder was not lethal.

The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, alongside the Jupiter Police Department, took the lead in the investigation, with the incident gaining coverage from various news outlets, including an initial report by the Daily Beast.

A history of similar incidents

Unfortunately, this event is not the first instance of the Trump family receiving such threats.

Donald Trump Jr. has been the target of similar incidents in the past, including a notable event in 2018 involving his then-wife, Vanessa.

Additionally, other family members, including Eric Trump, have received threatening letters accompanied by white powder, although these substances were later confirmed to be harmless.

The use of white powder in hoax attacks has been a method to incite fear and recall anthrax-containing letters that were sent back in 2001 and which resulted in five deaths.

Such incidents are taken seriously by law enforcement agencies, including the involvement of the U.S. Secret Service, due to the potential for harm and the historical context of bio-threats.

Donald Trump Jr., a prominent figure in his father's political campaigns, has often been in the public eye, making him a potential target for such threats.

The local law enforcement's collaboration with federal agencies underscores the seriousness with which these incidents are treated.

The broader context of security concerns

The incident at Trump Jr.'s home is reflective of the broader security concerns facing public figures in today's highly polarized political environment.

The response by emergency services highlights the readiness and protocols in place to deal with such potential threats.

While the investigation is ongoing, and further details are awaited, the incident serves as a reminder of the risks associated with public life and the importance of robust security measures for individuals in the public eye.

The involvement of the U.S. Secret Service, given their expertise in protecting current and former national leaders and their families, indicates the level of concern and the inter-agency cooperation that such threats trigger.


  • An unknown white powder was sent to Donald Trump Jr.'s Florida home, causing an emergency response.
  • Initial tests on the substance were inconclusive, and it is not believed to be deadly.
  • This is not the first time the Trump family has received such threats, with similar incidents occurring in the past.
  • The investigation is being led by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office with the involvement of the U.S. Secret Service.
  • The incident highlights the broader security concerns for public figures in the current political environment.