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Report: Multiple witnesses claim Nikki Haley had extramarital affairs

 January 20, 2024

GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley faced allegations of infidelity during her gubernatorial campaign, during which she falsely denied cheating on her husband, according to multiple sources who had worked with her, but now those claims have come to the surface once more.

New witnesses have recently come forward to the Daily Mail, asserting that Haley's denials of the alleged 2008 affairs are untrue and that these purported relationships were widely known among South Carolina political circles.

Detailed Allegations from Former Insiders

Affidavits from 2010, signed by Will Folks and Larry Marchant, allege intimate relationships with Haley prior to her governorship.

Folks, a former communications consultant for Haley, claimed in his affidavit that their relationship included several instances of sexual encounters, beginning with a kiss in early 2007.

He detailed various locations for their meetings, including his apartment and Haley's SUV.

Marchant, a lobbyist, alleged a sexual encounter with Haley during a conference in Salt Lake City in 2008.

According to his affidavit, after an evening of dinner and drinks, they returned to Haley's hotel room, where they spent the night.

These claims challenge Haley's public assertion of being faithful to her husband, Michael Haley.

In a 2010 statement, Haley said, "I have been 100% faithful to my husband throughout our 13 years of marriage."

Political Implications

These accusations resurface as Haley's presidential campaign gains momentum, with the New Hampshire primary on the horizon.

In the Iowa caucuses on Monday, Haley received 19% of the votes and secured third place.

Her campaign, which frequently references her marriage and family, has yet to respond to these latest allegations.

The impact of these revelations on her campaign remains to be seen, especially as they contrast with her public image and statements regarding her commitment to her family.

Insider Perspectives and Unsubstantiated Rumors

Several GOP insiders and former associates of Haley have spoken about the alleged affairs, noting instances of Haley's behavior that seemed to corroborate the claims.

Witnesses recall seeing Haley in intimate situations with her alleged lovers at bars and in her Cadillac SUV.

In 2010, South Carolina political blogger Earl Capps further fueled speculation regarding an alleged incident of "drunken sex" involving Haley.

However, no concrete evidence has emerged to substantiate these claims fully.