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Republicans Press Biden to Resume Military Aid to Israel

 May 10, 2024

In a sweeping political development, Senate Republicans are spearheading efforts to mandate the resumption of U.S. military support to Israel.

President Joe Biden's recent halt of U.S. military aid to Israel has sparked a fierce debate among Senate Republicans, who are attempting to force a course correction, as the Washington Examiner reports.

President Biden recently announced a decision to halt a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs intended for Israel, a move designed to avert a new offensive in Gaza, specifically targeting the city of Rafah. This decision has catalyzed a sharp response from Senate Republicans, who are now contemplating legislative steps to counteract the president's order.

Leading the charge against this halt in military support is Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who has been vocal in criticizing the president's approach. He argues that the decision undermines Israel's ability to defend itself amid ongoing conflicts.

Concern Over Civilian Casualties in Gaza Informs Biden's Decision

The densely populated city of Rafah, home to over a million civilians and refugees, is at the heart of President Biden's concerns. The fear of high civilian casualties has been pivotal in shaping his decision to withhold military aid.

These concerns have been dismissed by some Republicans, including Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), who has accused Biden of favoring Hamas over an ally by stalling the military support.

Despite the controversy, the decision aligns with Biden's stance articulated in a CNN interview, where he emphasized the U.S.'s ongoing support for Israel’s defense, specifically citing systems such as the Iron Dome, while distancing from offensive operations in Rafah.

Legislative Backlash and Historical Comparisons

The response from the Republican side has been swift and severe, with proposals for resolutions condemning the president's decision and equating his actions to betrayal. Graham has even drawn comparisons to U.S. military decisions during World War II, suggesting that foreign governments did not question U.S. military strategies then.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) has criticized the administration for not adequately consulting with key congressional committees prior to making this decision, highlighting a lack of communication as a major issue.

This backlash is partly fueled by the fact that just last April, Congress approved a foreign aid package which included military support for Israel, alongside humanitarian relief for Gaza, suggesting bipartisan support for such measures.

Political Implications and Biden’s Defensive Stance

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell emphasized the political consequences of Biden's decision, accusing him of yielding to the leftist elements within his political base and thereby gambling on the security commitments to an ally under attack.

The debate has grown to include comparisons to former President Donald Trump's impeachment case, where he was accused of withholding aid to Ukraine for political leverage. Republicans are using this historical precedent to underscore their criticism of Biden's current policy stance.

In strong terms, McConnell has stated that Biden will have to choose between his commitment to Israel and his leftist base, suggesting that Hamas may have anticipated Biden’s decision.

Senate Republicans Unite in Criticism of Biden’s Policy

Graham's fiery remarks continue to dominate the Republican narrative, with statements such as the president's policy being “the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my friggin’ life,” in reference to the administration's approach to Hamas and Palestinian civilian positioning in the conflict.

This unity in the Senate has been instrumental in shaping a concerted Republican response, aiming to reverse Biden's decision and resume full military support to Israel.

The controversy continues to unfold, with significant implications for U.S. foreign policy and its stance in Middle Eastern geopolitics.

Summary and Future Outlook

In conclusion, the Senate Republicans’ strong opposition to President Biden’s decision to withhold military aid to Israel highlights a significant rift in U.S. foreign policy approaches.

The unfolding events underscore a deep political divide, with potential long-term effects on international relations and domestic political alignments.