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RFK Jr. attempts to grab voters away from Biden

 January 22, 2024

Amid an observable shift in Black voter sentiment ahead of the 2024 election, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is making significant efforts to capitalize on this emerging opportunity.

As Joe Biden faces waning support within this demographic, Kennedy, a third-party presidential candidate, dedicated his recent weekend to campaigning in Atlanta.

This city, known for its large African American population, was hosting commemorative events for Martin Luther King Jr., which Kennedy paralleled with his own outreach programs.

Particularly notable was his event at YG Urban Cafe, a popular spot in West Atlanta, where the candidate attracted a substantial crowd, including local influencers, as Politico reported.

Changing Attitudes

Zaahira Wilson, a former supporter of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, exemplifies the changing attitudes.

Wilson, who expressed potential support for Kennedy, represents a growing segment of Black voters reconsidering their political allegiance.

Kennedy's success in attracting these voters, particularly in pivotal states like Georgia, could be a defining element of the 2024 presidential race.

Shifting Poll Numbers

Recent surveys reflect a significant change in the political landscape.

A poll conducted by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reveals that President Biden's support among Black voters in Georgia has dipped to 58%, a stark contrast to the 88% he secured in the 2020 election.

Furthermore, a New York Times/Siena College poll indicates that 26% of Black voters in swing states might back Kennedy in a three-way race, showcasing the potential for major shifts in voter alignment.

Kennedy's Strategy and Outreach

Kennedy's campaign approach focuses heavily on connecting with Black communities by invoking his family's historical involvement in civil rights movements.

His discussions cover a range of topics, from economic empowerment in Black neighborhoods to tackling gun violence.

Despite the controversy surrounding his family's past, including the surveillance of Martin Luther King Jr., Kennedy attempts to bridge historical divides, emphasizing a shared pursuit of equality and justice.

His strategy also includes tapping into non-traditional media platforms, reaching younger and more diverse audiences through popular podcasts.

The Role of Angela Stanton-King

Angela Stanton-King, a former Republican congressional candidate and prominent figure in the "Black Voices for Trump" movement, plays a crucial role in aligning Kennedy's campaign with Black voters.

Her involvement underscores a strategic attempt to build bridges within the Black community.

Stanton-King's support for Kennedy, despite her previous affiliation with the Republican Party, signals a broader trend of political realignment among some Black voters.