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Van Jones: RFK Jr. could undermine Biden’s chances against Trump in key states

 February 29, 2024

The political action committee championing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s quest for the presidency, American Values 24 (AV24), announced that it has successfully collected the required signatures to place Kennedy's name on the ballots in Arizona and Georgia.

This accomplishment underscores the palpable grassroots support fueling Kennedy's campaign, as Tony Lyons, AV24's co-founder, highlighted the collective enthusiasm propelling their efforts forward.

Lyons shared his strategy to continue this momentum, aiming to secure Kennedy's position in additional states, including Michigan, South Carolina, and California, among others, as The Blaze reported.

Despite the progress, Lyons informed CNN that the PAC has not yet presented the signatures to election offices in the two states but will do so at the appropriate time and by FEC guidelines.

Swing State Dynamics and Electoral Implications

The inclusion of Kennedy in the presidential race introduces a new dynamic, especially in swing states like Arizona and Georgia, which are historically battlegrounds that could tip the scales in the upcoming election.

Erin Burnett of CNN brought to light polling data indicating the potential impact of a three-way race involving Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Kennedy in these crucial states.

The data suggests Trump currently leads over Biden, with Kennedy attracting significant support, notably among younger voters and those from diverse racial backgrounds.

This demographic trend hints at Kennedy's ability to resonate with a broader electorate, potentially reshaping the political landscape in these states.

The Concerns of Democratic Strategists

The emergence of Kennedy as a formidable contender has sparked concern among Democratic strategists and commentators.

CNN analyst Van Jones, expressed apprehension about Kennedy's campaign's potential to dilute Democratic support.

Jones emphasized the critical nature of this development, pointing out the razor-thin margins by which elections can be decided, especially in pivotal states like Georgia and Arizona.

He lamented the possibility of Kennedy's candidacy inadvertently benefiting Trump, thereby complicating the Democrats' path to retaining the presidency.

In response to critiques of his campaign's strategy, Kennedy took to social media to affirm his movement's growing influence and determination.

His message underscored a commitment to healing and unifying America, challenging the narrative that his candidacy could harm the Democratic cause.

Kennedy's Expanding Influence

Kennedy's campaign has made strides in Arizona and Georgia and has secured a spot on the ballots in Utah, New Hampshire, and Hawaii, signaling a widening appeal across the country.

Despite lacking Secret Service protection, a usual marker of a serious presidential contender, Kennedy's team remains undeterred, focusing on amplifying their message and expanding their reach.

Jones' critique encapsulates the dilemma faced by some Democrats: the balancing act between embracing a broad coalition and the risk of fragmenting the party's base.

Kennedy's response on social media, however, reflects a defiant optimism, suggesting a belief in the transformative potential of his campaign beyond conventional political calculations.