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RFK Jr. says his VP pick has accepted offer

 March 14, 2024

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has chosen his vice-presidential candidate, who has reportedly agreed to join the ticket.

Running as an independent in the 2024 presidential election, Kennedy Jr. has announced that his choice for vice president has accepted the offer. This development comes amid speculation and discussions about potential candidates, including high-profile names such as NFL star Aaron Rodgers and former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura. Kennedy's campaign has confirmed that an official announcement will be made soon, setting the political scene abuzz with anticipation, as the Daily Mail reports.

The suspense around Kennedy's VP choice

The speculation about Kennedy's vice-presidential pick has been rife, with names like those of Rodgers and Ventura making headlines.

Ventura's son, speaking to ABC News, clarified that no formal offer had been made to his father, leaving room for speculation about Kennedy's final choice.

While Ventura has been ruled out by his son's statement, Rodgers' current whereabouts and silence on the matter add to the mystery. Rodgers is reportedly in Costa Rica on an Ayahuasca retreat, further complicating the narrative.

Kennedy's campaign has announced that the vice-presidential pick will be unveiled in Oakland, California, on March 26. This announcement is eagerly awaited, as it will reveal not only the individual chosen but also the strategic direction of Kennedy's independent campaign.

The selection of Rodgers, in particular, would represent a bold and unconventional choice, potentially adding star power to Kennedy's campaign. However, some critics argue that choosing a celebrity like Rodgers could detract from the campaign's seriousness and political viability.

Exploring the implications of Kennedy's choice

Kennedy Jr.'s decision to run as an independent has already stirred controversy within political circles, including criticism from his own family.

He started his campaign as a Democrat but shifted gears in October when he announced his independent candidacy. This move has led to discussions about the challenges and strategies involved in securing ballot access across the United States.

So far, Kennedy's campaign has successfully added his name to the ballot in Utah and claims to have gathered enough signatures in Hawaii, Nevada, and New Hampshire. These developments are crucial, as ballot access is a significant hurdle for independent and third-party candidates.

Moreover, Kennedy's potential collaboration with the Libertarian Party and the support from a Kennedy-backing super PAC highlight the complex dynamics of his campaign. The Democratic National Committee has challenged some of these efforts, accusing the super PAC of engaging in an "illegal ballot access scheme."

Kennedy's campaign and the broader political landscape

Democrats are concerned that Kennedy's independent run could siphon votes from Joe Biden, potentially benefiting Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

Polls suggest that Kennedy's candidacy might attract voters from both major parties, but with a more significant impact on Biden's chances.

Kennedy's flirtation with the Libertarian Party, which already has a permanent spot on the ballot, underscores the strategic maneuvers his campaign is considering.

The Libertarians are set to choose their 2024 ticket at a convention later this spring, adding another layer of intrigue to the political landscape.

The choice of a vice presidential candidate is more than just a strategic decision; it reflects the campaign's values, priorities, and approach to governance. Kennedy's pick will reveal much about his vision for America and his potential as a leader.

A closer look at Kennedy's unconventional campaign

Kennedy's campaign is characterized by its break from traditional political paths, including his stance on vaccines and his departure from the Democratic primaries.

These aspects of his campaign have drawn attention and controversy, shaping his public image and political identity.

The involvement of celebrities like Aaron Rodgers in political discussions reflects a broader trend of blending entertainment and politics. While this can bring attention and excitement to a campaign, it also raises questions about the qualifications and intentions of celebrity candidates.

As the political world awaits Kennedy's announcement, the implications of his vice-presidential choice will be closely analyzed. This decision will not only affect his campaign's dynamics but also its reception among voters and its place in the broader political discourse.


  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has chosen his vice-presidential candidate, who has agreed to join his independent 2024 presidential campaign.
  • Speculation has surrounded potential candidates, including Aaron Rodgers and Jesse Ventura.
  • The announcement of Kennedy's VP pick is scheduled for March 26 in Oakland, California, adding anticipation to his unconventional campaign.
  • Kennedy's choice reflects the strategic and symbolic aspects of his campaign, with potential implications for the 2024 election and beyond.