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Ron DeSantis demands Ilhan Omar be deported over ‘Somalia First’ speech

 January 31, 2024

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling for Rep. Ilhan Omar's deportation and the stripping of her U.S. citizenship after her recent "Somalia First" speech.

This reaction follows Omar's statements prioritizing Somalia's interests, which have sparked widespread criticism and calls for her resignation from Congress, as the Daily Mail reported.

Controversy over Omar's 'Somalia First' remarks

DeSantis, who recently withdrew from the 2024 presidential race, expressed his severe stance in a post on Tuesday, calling for Omar's expulsion from Congress, denaturalization, and deportation.

Talking about Omar, he said:

Expel from Congress, denaturalize and deport!

The controversy centers on a video of Omar's speech in Minneapolis, where she declared her allegiance to Somalia as her foremost priority.

Omar, a member of the progressive "Squad" of lawmakers and a Somali immigrant, made these remarks while speaking in Somali, stating that her top legislative priority in Congress is the interests of the Somali community.

Her statements have elicited strong reactions from political figures.

Among them,  Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene labeled Omar a 'terrorist sympathizer', and Donald Trump Jr. criticized her for not prioritizing U.S. interests.

Donald Trump Jr. said:

You know, Ilhan Omar says stuff like, 'Oh, well, I'm Somali first, Muslim next. We're going to make sure that Somali is heard.' Like, you now, you are in the United States Congress.

Widespread criticism and allegations of treason

Omar's remarks have not only attracted criticism from political adversaries but have also led to accusations of treason.

Somaliland Ambassador Rhoda Elmi, among others, condemned Omar's conduct, urging house leadership to take note of her behavior unbecoming of a U.S. congresswoman.

The leaked video of Omar's Jan. 27 speech quickly went viral, drawing widespread condemnation.

House Majority Whip Tim Emmer (R-MN) joined the chorus of disapproval, calling for Omar's resignation and labeling her comments a violation of her oath of office.

Omar's defense and backlash

In response to the mounting criticism, Rep. Omar defended her comments, claiming they were misinterpreted.

She argued that her statements were meant to emphasize her role in representing the Somali community within the United States.

Omar's defense, however, has done little to quell the controversy, with many still questioning her loyalty and commitment to American interests.

The debate has further intensified with Don Jr. criticizing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for being out of touch with average Americans, asserting that funding the war in Ukraine is not a top priority for U.S. citizens.

He emphasized the effectiveness of his father's messaging across the country, saying:

I've said this now numerous times – we talked about the war in Ukraine. You know, I hear Mitch McConnell, he's out there: 'It's the number one priority of Americans.' I'm like, it's not for me.

Implications and ongoing political tensions

The controversy surrounding Omar's "Somalia First" speech has reignited discussions about loyalty, representation, and the role of immigrant lawmakers in the U.S. Congress.

It has also brought to the forefront the ongoing political tensions and divisions within the country, highlighting the challenges faced by lawmakers in balancing their heritage and duties as American representatives.

Omar's previous remarks and actions, including her stance on Israel and Hamas, have already been a source of contention, leading to calls for her removal from Congress in the past.

This recent development only adds to the complexities and debates surrounding her role and influence as a lawmaker.


  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis demands Rep. Ilhan Omar's deportation following her "Somalia First" speech.
  • Omar's speech in Minneapolis prioritized Somalia's interests, leading to widespread criticism and accusations of treason.
  • Critics include political figures like Donald Trump Jr. and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who accuse Omar of failing to prioritize U.S. interests.
  • Omar defends her comments as representing the Somali community within the U.S. but faces ongoing backlash and calls for her resignation from Congress.
  • The controversy highlights the complex issues of loyalty, representation, and political divisions in the United States.