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Ron Desantis says wife Casey would be in fashion magazines, rather than attacked, if she were a Democrat

 May 27, 2023

Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis said that his wife Casey DeSantis would be featured in fashion magazines if she was a Democrat.

The GOP leader's claim pointed out the double standards that mainstream media often holds between conservative and progressive leaders.

The Statement

"'If she were a Democrat, she'd be on every fashion magazine,' the Florida governor insisted in a radio interview after launching his presidential bid on Wednesday," the Daily Mail reported.

"Many see Casey as the force behind her husband's rise on the political scene – with some strategists saying her star power is helping DeSantis overcome some of his more unlikable quirks," it added.

“She’s somebody that people look up to,” the governor said. “Not just women, although many of the women in Florida who have gone through breast cancer look at her as a role model for how she handled it.”

“She’s made huge improvements to communities in Florida by helping underprivileged people,” he continued. “And she believes in the values of the country and she can articulate that in a way that people really get excited about.”

Classic Hit Piece

Mainstream political outlet Politico launched a classic hit piece on Florida's first lady just days ahead of her husband's presidential bid announcement.

"She is and always has been by far his most important adviser, they say, because she is hesitant to cede that space to nearly anybody else. The DeSantis inner circle is too small and remains so, they say, not only because he constitutionally doesn’t trust people but because she doesn’t either," the report claimed.

"Especially forthright are the people who are granted anonymity on account of their fear of retribution given their power — not just his but hers," it added.

Key Success Factor

Casey DeSantis has been a massive support for her husband, including her strong strong social media presence in the launch of his campaign.

"Decline is a choice. Success is attainable. Freedom is worth fighting for," she tweeted at the time of his announcement. "@RonDeSantis is ready to lead our Great American Comeback!"

The "Casey factor" could also become important as DeSantis takes on Trump in the primary race. Trump's wife, Melania, has been a much quieter supporter of her husband's politics.

Casey’s personal experience of overcoming breast cancer and her role as a mother of two young children are also likely to add to her charm and positioning in making her a strong part of the DeSantis campaign as he seeks to gain momentum against the former president.

The latest comments by Ron DeSantis highlight the contrast the media shows between Republican and Democratic candidates, now challenging the mainstream media to show it can do better than blindly following partisan politics.