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Ron DeSantis unfazed as protesters storm stage at New Hampshire event

By Sarah May on
 April 15, 2023

Dramatic video footage emerged Friday evening of the moment two protestors rushed the New Hampshire stage where Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was delivering a speech at the state Republican Party's Amos Tuck fundraiser, as Fox News reports.

The situation was swiftly defused, but the scene made for a memorable evening for the hundreds of guests in attendance who came to hear about the governor's rise to prominence in his home state as well as his vision for the future of the country.

DeSantis speech interrupted

During his first visit to the Granite State ahead of his expected announcement of a 2024 presidential run, DeSantis was delivering remarks to a packed venue when two women rushed onto the stage, as the New York Post explained.

The pair were seen attempting to unfurl a banner behind the governor that read, “Ron DeSantis: Loves Israel, Hates Jews,” while also shouting, “Jews against DeSantis! Jews against DeSantis!” WATCH:

Security personnel quickly swooped in and removed the duo from the dais, leaving DeSantis to continue his speech.

Governor unbothered

DeSantis, for his part, did not seem particularly disturbed by the incident, saying, “Yeah, thank you,” to the security staff who escorted the demonstrators off the stage, as Florida's Voice News reported.

“You gotta have a little spice in the speech, right?” the governor joked in the midst of the fracas.

DeSantis continued, musing, “Why would you want to pay for the ticket to get in just to do that?”

“I don't know, but different strokes for different folks,” he added, before returning to his prepared remarks.

Protest group identified

According to National Review, though the affiliation of the protestors was not immediately evident, a progressive group known as IfNotNow claimed responsibility online.

The purpose of the demonstration, according to the group, was to raise awareness about an upcoming trip to Israel DeSantis will be taking.

IfNotNow took to Twitter to post an explanation of the evening's events, saying that group members “are confronting Ron DeSantis at a GOP fundraiser in New Hampshire this evening. We're making clear that DeSantis is an antisemite whose actions and policies both support Israeli apartheid and put Jews in danger.”

The group added that it condemns DeSantis for what it says is his support of “occupation and apartheid at the expense of Jewish safety,” adding that its members “believe in the opposite vision: where liberation for Jews and Palestinians are inextricably linked. We fight for equality, justice, and a thriving future for all Israelis and Palestinians.”

Record haul reported

Despite the unexpected theater during the Amos Tuck dinner, New Hampshire GOP Chairman Chris Ager had already declared the event a major success, as Florida's Voice further noted.

The party head informed Fox News that he expected 500 attendees at the evening's festivities, making for a record fundraising result for the state party for a function of its kind.

While originally tipped to bring in an impressive $250,000, the event raised $382,000, which Ager said was a record.

“We had to close ticket sales earlier this week,” Ager declared, perhaps an indication that despite former President Donald Trump's recent polling surge in head-to-head hypothetical matchups against DeSantis, the governor remains a major draw even before becoming an official candidate for his party's nomination.