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Russian spy detained in plot to assassinate Ukrainian President Zelensky

 August 8, 2023

A suspected Russian agent has been detained after alleged plans to assassinate Ukraine's President Zelensky in an air strike surfaced.

In a concerning turn of events, an alleged Russian spy was recently arrested in Kyiv, Ukraine. The suspect was reportedly in the process of relaying the travel itinerary of Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, to Moscow when intercepted, the Daily Mail reported.

Details of the planned assassination

The arrest happened a night before President Zelensky's scheduled visit to the Mykolaiv province in the southern part of the country.

Based on the acquired intelligence, it seems the goal was to launch a precision missile with the objective of taking out the Ukrainian president.

Zelensky has, since the onset of the conflict last year, evaded at least a dozen assassination attempts. Many of these attempts were identified and foiled thanks to the efforts of Western intelligence agencies.

Russia's strategy during the conflict

During the initial stages of the invasion, it was clear that Russia prioritized capturing or eliminating Mr. Zelensky.

Their intention was to put in place a regime that was loyal to Moscow. This sentiment was evident when Zelensky declined an offer from the US to evacuate him for safety reasons. He famously said:

I need ammunition, not a ride.

In the wake of those events event, other attempts on his life have been reported. Some involve internal conspirators, while others point towards Chechen mercenaries.

The Wagner paramilitary group, in particular, is believed to be plotting an operation against him.

About the apprehended suspect

The woman in custody hails from Ochakiv, a fishing resort town located close to Zelensky's intended July visit location.

It's alleged she used her local ties to gather details about the president's plans.

Apart from this, she also identified various crucial locations such as ammunition storage facilities, electronic warfare installations, and other military sites.

Prior to her arrest, she was employed at a military clothing store. The moment she was caught, she was in the act of sharing this sensitive information.

A spokesperson for the security service of Ukraine said:

The SSU apprehended the traitor red-handed when she was trying to pass intelligence to the invaders. To gather intelligence, the enemy agent drove in the target area, taking photos or video footage of Ukrainian facilities.

Russia's ongoing actions and the international response

Concurrently, aerial attacks on Ukrainian cities continue from the Russian side. The damage has been limited, largely due to the air defense systems supplied by countries like the U.S. and Germany.

Contradicting the claims of some observers, Russian officials maintain that their military is not targeting civilian regions. They attribute the harm to residential areas and medical facilities to malfunctions in Ukrainian defense systems.

Furthermore, in response to the perceived threats from the Wagner group, Poland has decided to deploy an additional 1,000 troops to its border with Belarus.

The presence of mercenaries near this border poses a significant threat to NATO's eastern flank. An increase in illegal crossings from Belarus into Poland has been observed recently.


  • An alleged Russian agent was detained in Kyiv for reportedly plotting an assassination attempt on President Zelensky.
  • This would have been one of many assassination attempts on Zelensky since the start of the conflict.
  • The suspect, from Ochakiv, allegedly identified several Ukrainian military facilities.
  • Russian aerial attacks on Ukrainian cities persist, though damage is controlled due to foreign-supplied air defense systems.
  • Poland is bolstering its defenses on the Belarus border in light of threats from the Wagner mercenary group.