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Schumer Explains Decision at Netanyahu Speech

 July 29, 2024

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer attended Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress on Wednesday but chose not to shake his hand. The speech was controversial and received mixed reactions from U.S. lawmakers.

Schumer emphasized the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship but highlighted his disagreements with Netanyahu, Politico reported.

Schumer's decision to attend the speech was driven by his belief in the strong bond between the U.S. and Israel. "I went to this speech because the relationship between Israel and America is ironclad and I wanted to show that," Schumer stated.

However, Schumer chose not to shake Netanyahu's hand, reflecting his disapproval of certain policies. "But at the same time, as everyone knows, I have serious disagreements with the way Benjamin Netanyahu has conducted these policies," he explained.

Netanyahu's Speech Sparks Controversy

Netanyahu's speech received a warm reception from many attendees, but it was also met with significant backlash.

Dozens of Democrats boycotted the event due to Netanyahu's handling of the war in Gaza.

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was among those who did not attend. She criticized Netanyahu's address, calling it "by far the worst presentation of any foreign dignitary invited and honored with the privilege of addressing the Congress of the United States."

Reactions from Attending Democrats

Some Democrats who did attend the speech issued statements condemning Netanyahu's remarks. They expressed their concerns about the Israeli leader's policies and their impact on the U.S.-Israel relationship.

Despite these criticisms, Schumer reiterated his commitment to the bond between the two nations. "As I've said, I wanted to show our ironclad commitment to Israel that transcends any one prime minister or any one president," he said.

Pelosi's Strong Words

Pelosi's absence and her strong words underscored the division among U.S. lawmakers regarding Netanyahu's leadership. Her criticism of the speech as the worst by any foreign dignitary highlighted the depth of her disapproval.

Schumer, while attending the speech, made it clear that his presence did not signify agreement with all of Netanyahu's policies. "No matter how much you might disagree with that prime minister," he noted, the U.S.-Israel relationship remains important.

Democrats Divided Response

The divided response among Democrats reflected broader tensions within the party regarding U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. While some lawmakers support a strong alliance with Israel, others are critical of its current leadership and policies.

The controversy surrounding Netanyahu's speech and Schumer's actions highlights the complexity of U.S.-Israel relations. It also underscores the challenge of balancing support for Israel with criticism of its government's actions.


In conclusion, Schumer's decision to attend Netanyahu's speech but not shake his hand was a nuanced stance reflecting his support for Israel but disagreement with its leader's policies.

The speech itself, warmly received by some but boycotted by others, illustrates the deep divisions among U.S. lawmakers regarding Israel.

Pelosi's harsh critique further highlights these tensions, underscoring the complexity of maintaining strong international alliances amidst differing political views.

This incident serves as a reminder of the delicate balance in international relations and the importance of moral leadership in navigating such complexities.

The U.S.-Israel relationship remains strong, but it is clear that it is shaped by the leaders at the helm and the policies they pursue.