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Secret Service Apologizes After Unauthorized Salon Break-In Ahead of Harris Event

 August 12, 2024

The U.S. Secret Service has issued an apology to a Massachusetts salon owner after agents entered her building without permission, taped over her security cameras, and used her bathroom facilities ahead of a fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Salon owner Alicia Powers expressed her frustration after learning that Secret Service agents had accessed her building without authorization, picked the lock, and allowed several individuals to use the bathroom over a two-hour period, conduct that his since prompted official expressions of regret, as Fox News reports.

Powers, who owns the salon at issue, recounted the chaotic sequence of events.

She stated that she was initially informed she needed to close her salon but was not made aware of the Secret Service's plans to enter the building. Powers only discovered the full extent of the intrusion after reviewing her security camera footage.

Agents Cover Security Cameras During Incident

The footage showed a Secret Service agent standing on a chair to place duct tape over the salon’s security cameras. Powers reported that several people, including agents, used the bathroom, triggered alarms, and accessed her salon's counter without permission.

Despite the extensive use of her facilities, Powers emphasized that the agents left the building unlocked when they departed and did not remove the tape from the security camera. This oversight added to the salon owner's concerns about the lack of communication and respect for her property.

Powers expressed her willingness to cooperate with authorities had she been approached properly.

"Whoever was visiting, whether it was a celebrity or not, I probably would've opened the door and made them coffee and brought in donuts to make it a great afternoon for them," Powers said. "But they didn't even have the audacity to ask for permission. They just helped themselves."

Landlord Denies Giving Secret Service Permission

Brian Smith, the building's landlord, confirmed that neither he nor his father granted the Secret Service permission to enter the salon or use its facilities. "Me and my dad own the building," Smith said.

"And I have a crazy eccentric guy that lives upstairs. And he didn't tell the Secret Service they could use it, and I didn't tell them, and my father didn't tell them, and they had no permission to go in there whatsoever."

In the aftermath of the incident, the Secret Service reached out to Powers to apologize.

A representative from the agency's Boston field office admitted that the actions taken by the agents were wrong and assured Powers that such conduct was not standard practice.

Secret Service Addresses Controversy

Melissa McKenzie, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Secret Service, confirmed that the agency had communicated with the affected business owner. She emphasized the importance of maintaining good relationships with local businesses during protective missions.

"The U.S. Secret Service works closely with our partners in the business community to carry out our protective and investigative missions," McKenzie said. "We hold these relationships in the highest regard and our personnel would not enter, or instruct our partners to enter, a business without the owner’s permission."

However, Powers was informed by an EMS worker that a Secret Service agent in charge had instructed people to use the salon's bathroom. This revelation further fueled Powers' frustration, as she felt her business had been taken advantage of without her consent.

The Secret Service's apology did little to quell Powers' disappointment. "He said to me everything that was done was done very wrong," Powers recounted. "They were not supposed to tape my camera without permission. They were not supposed to enter the building without permission."

Incident Highlights Security Concerns

The incident raised concerns about the protocols followed by the Secret Service when securing locations for high-profile events. While the agency plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of its protectees, this episode has highlighted the potential for miscommunication and overreach in the process.

Powers' experience serves as a reminder of the importance of clear communication and respect for private property, even during high-security operations. The Secret Service has since acknowledged the mistake and reiterated its commitment to working collaboratively with local businesses.

In conclusion, the unauthorized entry into Alicia Powers' salon by Secret Service agents ahead of a fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris led to significant disruptions and raised questions about the agency's protocols. Despite an apology from the Secret Service, the incident underscores the need for better communication and respect for private property during security operations.