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Secret Service Failures Led to Trump Assassination Attempt, Review Finds

 September 22, 2024

Multiple failures within the U.S. Secret Service almost resulted in the assassination of former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, according to a newly released internal review from the agency.

The Secret Service’s internal review highlights widespread security issues, including miscommunication and technical difficulties, that left Trump vulnerable at the Butler Farm Show site, as Breitbart reports.

The event at issue took place at the home of the Butler Farm Show, a site that was known to have potential security risks due to "line of sight" concerns.

However, these issues were not sufficiently addressed by the advance team responsible for securing the location. According to the report, the lack of proper planning played a critical role in the near tragedy.

Breakdown in Communication at Rally Site

One of the primary concerns was the failure to establish effective communication between Secret Service agents and local law enforcement officers. Two separate communication centers were set up: a Secret Service security room and a Butler Emergency Services Mobile Command Post. Despite this, local law enforcement was not made aware of the dual setups, leading to confusion about how information was being shared.

The review points to the use of different radio frequencies between the centers, which hindered real-time information exchange. This miscommunication prevented crucial details, such as a description of the suspected shooter, from reaching all Secret Service personnel on-site.

Additionally, some police forces assisting with the event operated under the assumption that their radio transmissions were being directly received by the Secret Service. This assumption was false, according to the report, further delaying the spread of vital information about the shooter’s location.

Secret Service Teams Overstretched During Event

At the time of the rally, the Secret Service was facing challenges due to the fast pace of the presidential campaign. The operational tempo, combined with the increased workload of protecting new individuals, put additional strain on the agency. The Butler rally, scheduled between a NATO ministerial meeting and the Republican National Convention, fell during a particularly busy time for the Service.

The review also revealed that although the Secret Service had deployed counter snipers and counter assault assets, these units arrived late to the Butler venue, leaving Trump exposed to potential threats. Adding to the complications, the Service experienced technical issues with its drone, a crucial tool in identifying and tracking potential threats.

Internal Review Reveals Critical Security Lapses

Among the more damning revelations in the report was the lack of information flow to Trump’s protective detail. Despite reports from local law enforcement about a suspicious individual on the roof of the nearby AGR complex, this information was not communicated to all Secret Service agents. This failure to broadcast critical intelligence over the radio severely impacted the collective awareness needed to protect the former president.

"As I’ve said, this was a failure on the part of the United States Secret Service. It’s important that we hold ourselves accountable for the failures of July 13," Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe stated during the release of the review. He also acknowledged that the agency did not provide "clear guidance or direction" to local law enforcement agencies during the event.

Penalties Expected for Some Secret Service Personnel

The internal review was conducted by the Secret Service’s Office of Professional Responsibility and is separate from investigations being carried out by Congress and the Department of Homeland Security. According to Rowe, disciplinary action against some Secret Service personnel is expected but was not specified. "These penalties will be administered according to our disciplinary process," he said, citing federal regulations that prevent further comment on personnel matters.

The review is expected to lead to several changes in how the Secret Service handles communication and coordination with local law enforcement during high-profile events. A follow-up report will include additional recommendations for improvement.

Kayleigh McEnany Criticizes Secret Service Leadership

Criticism of the Secret Service’s handling of the event has been vocal, particularly from former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. In a statement, McEnany expressed frustration with the agency’s leadership, specifically targeting Acting Director Rowe.

"I am sick of hearing Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe promise a ‘paradigm shift’ in presidential protection!" McEnany said, referring to the agency’s repeated calls for improvement. "After TWO assassination attempts, President Trump does not have time to wait for a ‘paradigm shift.’"

McEnany’s remarks referred not only to the July 13 attempt but also a second incident at Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course, which was mentioned briefly in the internal review.

Conclusion of the Secret Service’s Review

The internal review of the July 13 rally underscores the urgent need for reform within the Secret Service. From miscommunication and technical difficulties to a lack of coordination with local law enforcement, the agency's failures nearly resulted in the assassination of Donald Trump. Moving forward, the Secret Service faces increased scrutiny and pressure to implement significant changes, especially with more high-profile events on the horizon.

The follow-up report, expected to be released later this year, will likely provide further recommendations on how to address these failures. Meanwhile, disciplinary actions against personnel involved in the rally’s security shortcomings remain under consideration.