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Secret Service Officer Accused of Assaulting Harris Campaign Aide

 September 26, 2024

A Secret Service agent assigned to Vice President Kamala Harris is facing accusations of sexual assault after allegedly groping a female staffer during a campaign trip in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

The incident occurred in a hotel room last week, following a work-related event involving members of Harris’s staff and a Secret Service agent, and the accused individual, reportedly intoxicated, was removed by other staffers after the assault and later passed out in the hotel hallway, as the New York Post reports.

The group, which included Harris’s staffers and Secret Service personnel, had gathered for dinner after completing a day of work on the campaign trail. Alcohol was reportedly consumed, and the group returned to the hotel, where the assault is said to have occurred in the staffer’s room. Witnesses present in the room during the incident claimed that the agent became heavily inebriated.

Inebriated Agent Allegedly Groped Staffer

According to reports, the intoxicated Secret Service agent groped the female staffer in the presence of other people. The situation quickly escalated as other staffers stepped in and physically removed the agent from the room.

After being ejected from the room, the agent reportedly passed out in the hallway due to his level of intoxication. No information has been released regarding the immediate response to the incident, but it was reported that the agent was later summoned to Secret Service headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Secret Service Opens Investigation

The Secret Service confirmed that the accused agent was placed on administrative leave while an investigation is conducted. The agency has not yet released the name of the agent or the staffer involved in the incident.

In a statement responding to the allegations, the Secret Service noted that the agent’s status would remain unchanged "pending the outcome of an investigation." The agency did not provide further details on the timeline or scope of the internal investigation.

Agent Removed from Duty Pending Investigation

The agent in question was summoned to meet with investigators at the Secret Service headquarters in Washington, D.C., earlier this week. It is unclear if any formal charges have been filed against the agent at this point.

The allegations come at a time when Vice President Kamala Harris is preparing for key campaign events across the country. While Harris herself was not present during the alleged incident, the staffer involved in the situation was reportedly a member of her team helping to organize the campaign event in Green Bay.

Staffers’ Quick Response Prevents Further Escalation

Witnesses inside the hotel room acted swiftly to prevent the situation from escalating further. After removing the agent from the room, no further incidents were reported. It remains unclear how long the agent remained in the hotel hallway before being attended to by other personnel.

The severity of the accusations has put a spotlight on the Secret Service, raising questions about its internal handling of misconduct allegations. The agency has stressed that it is taking the situation seriously and will conduct a thorough investigation.

Agency’s Commitment to Full Investigation

The Secret Service has a well-documented history of upholding strict professional standards for its agents but has made headlines in recent weeks for notable failures. With this latest accusation, the agency has reaffirmed its commitment to maintaining accountability within its ranks. The agent’s administrative leave will continue throughout the investigation, with further actions pending the findings of the inquiry.

The decision to place the agent on leave indicates that the Secret Service is treating the allegations with the gravity they deserve. However, details surrounding the investigation remain scarce, and no formal statement has been made regarding potential disciplinary actions.

Details of the Incident Still Emerging

As the investigation unfolds, more details are expected to emerge regarding the nature of the events leading up to the alleged assault. The Green Bay campaign trip had been part of a broader series of events for Harris’s team, though no official confirmation has been made about future adjustments to campaign activities in light of the incident.

It is also unclear whether local law enforcement has become involved in the investigation, as the Secret Service typically handles matters of agent misconduct internally.

Secret Service Policies and Public Scrutiny

The accusations against the agent come amid growing public scrutiny of law enforcement agencies and their internal policies on handling misconduct. The Secret Service’s decision to act swiftly in placing the agent on administrative leave may be viewed as a step toward greater transparency and accountability. However, the long-term outcome of the investigation remains to be seen.

The agency has faced challenges in the past related to agent conduct, though incidents of this nature involving staff serving the vice president are rare. The Secret Service has promised to release more information as the investigation progresses.


A Secret Service agent is under investigation after being accused of sexually assaulting a staffer for Vice President Kamala Harris during a campaign trip in Wisconsin.

The heavily intoxicated agent allegedly groped the staffer in her hotel room before being removed by other staffers and passing out in the hallway.

The Secret Service has placed the agent on administrative leave, pending the results of an internal investigation. The investigation is ongoing, and no further details have been made public at this time.