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Sen. Chuck Grassley released from hospital following treatment for infection

 January 19, 2024

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the oldest member of the upper chamber, has been discharged from the hospital after receiving treatment for an infection.

The Republican lawmaker was recently admitted to a hospital in the Washington, D.C. area for an infection. After a period of treatment involving antibiotic infusions, the 90-year-old senator has been discharged. Grassley's office conveyed that he is eager to resume his duties and is expected to make a full recovery, the Daily Wire reported.

Grassley's vibrant history and recent health concerns

Grassley's tenure in the U.S. Senate is noteworthy, with a career spanning over four decades since he first took office in 1981.

His re-election in 2022 marked the beginning of his eighth term, underscoring his longstanding commitment to representing Iowa at the federal level.

The senator's recent hospitalization was due to an unspecified infection, for which he received antibiotic treatment. Prior to this, in January 2023, Grassley had undergone surgery for a hip fracture, an injury he humorously attributed to "a stupid thing" he did in his kitchen.

The senator's office released a statement assuring the public of his good spirits during his hospital stay.

It emphasized his intention to return to his senatorial duties following his doctor's clearance. The news of his discharge has been warmly received by his supporters and colleagues alike, who are eager to see him back at work.

Grassley's presence in the Senate is not just notable for his age. His career has been marked by significant legislative contributions and a reputation for robust health, even at 90.

This recent health incident, however, has brought attention to the advanced age of many current U.S. senators, sparking discussions about the rigors of public service and the demands it places on individuals, regardless of age.

Age and experience in the U.S. Senate

Following the passing of California Democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Grassley became the oldest serving member of the U.S. Senate.

This position brings with it not only a wealth of experience but also heightened public interest in his health and well-being. The seniority list of the Senate includes several members in their late 70s and early 80s, illustrating the blend of experience and the challenges of age within this governing body.

Senators such as Bernie Sanders, Mitch McConnell, and Jim Risch, all in their early 80s, follow behind Grassley in terms of age.

The presence of these seasoned politicians highlights the Senate's collective depth of experience. However, it also raises questions about the balance between the wisdom that comes with age and the physical demands of such a high-profile, demanding role.

Grassley's recent health issues and his determined recovery resonate as a testament to his dedication.

They also serve as a reminder of the human aspect behind the often-impersonal facade of politics. His return to the Senate is not just a personal triumph but a moment of reflection on the service and resilience of the nation's longest-serving legislators.

Continued service and dedication

Grassley's discharge from the hospital and imminent return to work have been met with positive reactions across the political spectrum.

His commitment to resuming his duties despite recent health challenges is a testament to his dedication to public service and the people of Iowa.

In a recent post on X, formerly known as Twitter, Grassley expressed his gratitude for the well-wishes and prayers he received during his hospital stay. His message, "Thx for ur well wishes & prayers Happy to be home I look fwd to getting back to work," reflects his unwavering commitment to his role as a senator, even in the face of personal health challenges.

The senator's health has been a topic of interest not only because of his age but also due to his prominence in national politics.

As he prepares to return to his senatorial duties, his colleagues, constituents, and observers nationwide are hopeful for his full recovery and continued contribution to the nation's legislative process.


  • Sen. Chuck Grassley, at 90, has been discharged from the hospital following treatment for an infection.
  • With a career spanning over four decades, Grassley is the oldest current member of the U.S. Senate, recently re-elected to his eighth term.
  • The senator's recent health concerns highlight the challenges of balancing the demands of public service with personal health, especially among senior members of the Senate.
  • Grassley's determination to return to work and his gratitude for the support received underscore his commitment to his role and the resilience required in public service.
  • As Grassley prepares to resume his senatorial duties, his experience and recovery offer a narrative of resilience, dedication, and the human aspect behind political life.