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Shock poll reveals voters think Biden committed impeachable offenses

By Sarah May on
 May 20, 2023

A new Rasmussen Reports poll has delivered some stark news to President Joe Biden, finding that more than half of all respondents are of the belief that he has committed impeachable offenses during his current term in office, as the Daily Mail reports.

The results come just as Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14) has announced a decision to introduce articles of impeachment against the commander in chief over his handling of the southern border crisis.

Bad News for Biden

According to the survey, the 53% of respondents who suspect Biden of having committed high crimes and misdemeanors while in office sufficient to justify impeachment, 38% of said it is “very likely” that it has occurred.

Only 39% of poll respondents said it is unlikely that Biden has engaged in impeachable conduct while in the Oval Office, with 28% of those participants saying it is “not at all likely.”

The number of respondents who believe are convinced of Biden's impeachable culpability measured in this iteration of the poll represents an increase of four points since November of 2022, as Rasmussen noted.

Head pollster for the Rasmussen organization, Mark Mitchell, declared, “Negative opinions about Biden scandals have definitely been gathering steam.”

Democrats' Silver Lining?

As concerning as the aforementioned results might be for Biden and his reelection team, the Rasmussen survey did offer a degree of hope in terms of respondents' view of whether an impeachment process is actually in the offing.

Approximately two-thirds of participants in the poll indicated doubt as to whether Congress would take concrete steps to pursue the president's impeachment, as the Mail noted.

A mere 28% of respondents deemed the launch of a formal impeachment process against Biden as likely to occur.

Mitchell described the situation by saying, “Basically, nobody thinks that the 118th Republican Congress is going to pursue impeachment.”

Impeachment Articles Introduced

Despite the doubts revealed by Rasmussen survey participants about the chances of a Biden impeachment, Greene was undeterred, introducing on Thursday formal articles designed to accomplish just that, as NBC News reported.

Blasting the president's handling of the migrant surge at the border with Mexico that has characterized his time in office, Greene said that Biden has abused his authority by “endangering the security of the United States and thwarting the will of Congress.”

The articles introduced by Greene accuse Biden of overseeing a system that has caused a significant rise in “illegal aliens and illegal narcotics, including deadly fentanyl” coming into the country, and they also allege that the administration he helms has “willfully violated” federal law through its mass releases of migrants into the nation's interior.

Green explained in a statement, “Joe Biden has deliberately compromised our national security by refusing to enforce immigration laws and secure our border, allowed approximately 6 million illegals from over 160 countries to invade our country, deprived border patrol of the necessary resources and policies sufficient to protect our country, and his administration has willfully refused to maintain operational contol as required by law.”

White House Responds

Unsurprisingly, the White House did not respond favorably to Greene's impeachment salvo, with spokesman Ian Sams taking aim at what he suggested was the congresswoman's hypocrisy, as Fox News reports.

Sams said, “Is there a bigger example of a shameless sideshow political stunt than a trolling impeachment attack by one of the most extreme MAGA members in Congress over 'national security' while she actively demands to defund the FBI and even said she 'would've been armed' and 'would have won' the January 6 insurrection if only she'd been in charge of it?”

“The president is focused on what's important to the American people, like preventing House Republicans' default that would crash the economy and protecting investments that are creating American manufacturing jobs, not silly political attacks,” Sams added.

However, given the Rasmussen results concerning the nature of Biden's conduct in office, it appears that a sizable portion of the American electorate disagrees with Sams' assessment, even if they also doubt that the president will ever be formally called to account for it.