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Report: Snoop Dogg’s daughter suffers severe stroke

 January 19, 2024

Cori Broadus, the 24-year-old daughter of the rapper Snoop Dogg, has reportedly suffered a severe stroke.

Early Thursday morning, the news broke, sending waves of concern across social media platforms.

Cori herself took to Instagram to share the distressing news with her substantial following of over 655,000 people, as Fox News reported.

"I had a severe stroke this a.m. I started breaking down crying when they told me," Broadus revealed in her Instagram story.

She added, "Like I'm only 24, what did I do in my past to deserve all of this," the rapper's daughter shared in a subsequent post.

Family Background and Previous Health Struggles

Cori was born to Snoop Dogg and his wife, Shante Broadus.

The couple's long-standing marriage, which began in 1997, had its challenges, including a divorce filing in 2004.

However, they reconciled and have remained together since 2007.

Cori's health journey has been a difficult one.

Diagnosed with lupus at the tender age of six, Cori Broadus has faced the challenges of the chronic autoimmune disease, which is known for causing inflammation and pain throughout the body.

In her struggle with lupus, Cori recently shifted to a more holistic approach to her treatment, as reported in a People magazine interview.

Ditching traditional medications for natural remedies like herbs and sea moss, she had claimed to feel "better than I've ever been."

Cori remarked, "I stopped taking all of my medication like five months ago. I'm just doing everything natural, all types of herbs, sea moss, teas."

She added "I started working out, drinking lots of water. So now I think my body's like, okay, this is the new program, and she's getting used to it."

This drastic change in treatment was a response to the overwhelming burden of her medication routine, which she described as driving her "insane."

Cori's bold decision to go "cold turkey" and her subsequent health crisis highlight the complexities and potential risks associated with managing chronic illnesses like lupus.

She told the outlet, "I've had medication since I was six years old, depending on these drugs all my life. So, I wanted better for myself."

"I wanted to change because it just became a lot. I'm only 24 years old, taking 10 to 12 pills every single day. So I kind of just went cold turkey," Cori concluded.