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Social Media CEO Reveals Details of Alleged Trump Assailant's Online Account

 August 4, 2024

The investigation into an assassination attempt on President Donald Trump has taken a new turn with shocking social media revelations.

Thomas Matthew Crooks, suspected of the assassination attempt, was identified as a supporter of President Joe Biden with potential social media ties revealed by Gab's CEO Andrew Torba, as the Western Journal reports.

On Wednesday, posts appeared on a social media account that seemed to support Biden, linking Thomas Matthew Crooks to these political views. The posts dated back to 2021, a year before the alleged assassination attempt.

Torba, the founder of Gab, utilized another social platform, X, to discuss the discovery of the account that could potentially belong to Crooks. He highlighted that the account had made only nine posts, all of which dated to 2021.

The tech CEO noted that while the account was mostly inactive, its content strongly favored Biden’s presidency, discussing topics from COVID-19 lockdowns to border policies.

Scrutiny Over Social Media Account and Motive

The account in question drew significant attention not only for its content but also for its last use in direct communications, which was also in 2021. Torba expressed concerns about the authenticity of the account's ownership.

Gab had preserved the data from the account awaiting a legal warrant, following an emergency disclosure request from law enforcement. This move, Torba explained, was to aid the ongoing investigation.

Meanwhile, the FBI continued its investigation into Crooks' motives. FBI Director Christopher Wray testified that while the agency was looking into all leads, a definitive motive had yet to be established.

Political Repercussions and Media Backlash Anticipated

Torba's decision to disclose the account information was framed as a risky move, with potential political and media backlash expected. He referenced past interactions with government bodies that had scrutinized Gab’s operations.

His fears were grounded in previous experiences with the House Oversight Committee and the Joint Committee on the January 6th Attacks, which had targeted the platform for its role in free speech controversies.

In his statements, Torba voiced a commitment to transparency, believing that revealing the information was necessary for public interest, despite the personal and business risks involved.

Impact of Social Media on Political Narratives

Screenshots from the suspect’s account discussed Biden's executive orders and critiqued Trump’s popularity, pointing to a politically charged narrative that might have influenced Crooks.

Torba, in a bid to show transparency, shared these insights publicly, hoping to shed light on the possible motivations behind the assassination attempt. His comments underscored the complex role social media plays in shaping political discourse.

The discussions around these posts not only provided clues to Crooks' possible ideological leanings but also illustrated the broader implications of political debate on platforms like Gab.

FBI Investigation Ongoing Amidst Social Media Revelations

As the investigation proceeds, the FBI has been careful to not draw premature conclusions about Crooks' motive, emphasizing the need for thorough analysis and investigation.

Director Wray’s comments underscored the complexity of determining motives in such high-stakes scenarios and the challenges of interpreting digital footprints on social media platforms.

The agency’s cautious approach reflects the delicate balance of legal and ethical considerations in post-attempt investigations, focusing on gathering concrete evidence before making public assertions.

Community and Political Figures React to Revelations

The disclosure of the potential link between Crooks and his support for Biden has sparked a broad range of reactions from the community and political figures alike.

While some have called for calm and due process, others have pointed to the revelations as a catalyst for broader discussions about political polarization and the role of social media in modern politics.

Torba’s call for support and prayers, as he navigates the fallout from his disclosures, highlights the personal stakes involved in managing a platform at the intersection of free speech and political controversy.