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Speculation Surrounds Trump’s Potential Cabinet As Campaign Heats Up

 September 23, 2024

The 2024 presidential race between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is heating up, with polls indicating a tight contest.

As election day approaches, speculation about Trump’s potential second administration Cabinet has intensified, despite no formal decisions being made about who might replace current Biden administration officials, as the Washington Examiner reports

The race remains within the margin of error, and both campaigns are working hard to sway undecided voters.

With no formal discussions yet on the composition of Trump's possible Cabinet, attention is growing around potential candidates and the influence various conservative organizations might have in shaping the team.

Campaign Teams Meet, Adding to Speculation

Representatives from Trump’s campaign, Vice President Harris’s campaign, White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, and the White House Transition Coordinating Committee met recently. Although no official announcements were made, the meeting has added fuel to the fire of speculation regarding Trump’s potential Cabinet picks.

The Harris campaign has seized this speculation to launch advertising aimed at undercutting Trump’s potential administration. In contrast, Trump’s campaign remains focused on their central message: reversing what they see as the damages caused by President Joe Biden’s time in office.

Challenges Facing Trump’s Potential Cabinet

Even with the speculation, some GOP strategists have raised concerns about filling out a new Trump Cabinet. Jason Cabel Roe, a prominent Republican strategist, pointed out that many qualified individuals may be hesitant to serve in Trump’s administration. He commented, “That’s unfortunate because it doesn’t leave the best options.”

Other Republican figures, however, dispute this view. A former Trump administration official dismissed the idea that finding top talent would be difficult, stating, “I don’t think there are broad concerns about the level of talent that will occupy the secretarial positions.”

Republican Talent Bench Widens Amid Trump’s Influence

Despite these concerns, many Republicans argue that Trump’s continued influence within the GOP strengthens the party’s talent bench. The former president’s control over congressional Republicans ensures that several high-profile figures would likely be interested in serving in his Cabinet if he is re-elected. According to GOP insiders, Trump is considering both past administration officials and current Republican lawmakers for key positions.

Some sources close to Trump’s campaign suggest that Trump isn’t dedicating much time to Cabinet deliberations yet. “Up until Trump’s president, he’s not spending a whole heck of a lot of time on those kinds of things,” one source noted.

Potential Cabinet Members Begin to Emerge

Despite the lack of formal talks, a few names have emerged in discussions. Trump is reportedly considering a mix of individuals from his past administration and current members of Congress. Sources close to the campaign also hinted that Trump is open to including a diverse range of candidates, including independents like Sen. Joe Manchin.

Sen. Roger Marshall is rumored to be under consideration for a top position in the energy sector, given his expertise in oil and gas. “His work in the energy space...he’s the most knowledgeable on oil and gas issues in all of Congress,” according to a source familiar with the discussions.

Conservative Groups Vie for Influence

The potential role of conservative think tanks and policy groups in shaping Trump’s Cabinet has also become a point of interest. Conflicts have reportedly emerged between the America First Policy Institute (AFPI) and the Heritage Foundation, two prominent organizations vying for influence in a potential Trump administration.

In 2016, the Heritage Foundation played a significant role in staffing Trump’s first administration. However, one Republican strategist noted, “That feeling definitely isn’t there now,” suggesting that AFPI may have more sway this time around. A former Trump official echoed this sentiment, stating, “AFPI, and Linda, and those folks are certainly up right now.”

Senate Dynamics May Impact Confirmations

One major consideration for Trump’s potential Cabinet picks will be the Senate's role in confirming nominees. Republican strategists have pointed out that the dynamics within the Senate may affect Trump’s ability to secure confirmations for his top choices, depending on the makeup of the chamber after the election.

Some figures who have been floated as potential nominees may face tough confirmation battles. A source close to the Trump campaign remarked that certain individuals might “get the s— kicked out of them at [their] confirmation hearing.”

Conclusion: Cabinet Picks Remain Uncertain

As the 2024 election campaign intensifies, speculation around Donald Trump’s potential second administration Cabinet continues to grow. While no formal decisions have been made, discussions have centered on a mix of familiar faces from Trump’s past administration and new contenders from the current Republican ranks.

Trump’s campaign, focused on undoing what he feels is the damage of the Biden presidency, is leaving decisions about a future Cabinet until after the election. However, key conservative groups and Senate dynamics are expected to play crucial roles in shaping any eventual selections.