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Biden Likely to Pardon Hunter, Former Acting AG Matthew Whitaker Says

 September 8, 2024

Matthew Whitaker, the former acting attorney general, has claimed that President Joe Biden will pardon his son, Hunter Biden, in a strategic move to divert attention from ongoing allegations of corruption against the Biden family.

Whitaker made these remarks during an interview on Wake Up America Weekend, highlighting that the Biden pardon could come just 60 days before the upcoming election, as Newsmax reports.

The former Trump administration official suggested that this action could help shift focus away from the accusations of money laundering and other financial misconduct involving Hunter Biden and foreign agents.

Speculation Over Pardon and Corruption

During his appearance on Newsmax, Whitaker argued that the timing of a potential pardon for Hunter Biden is critical as it could remove the issue of Biden family corruption from the headlines. Whitaker noted that House Oversight Committee chair James Comer has been instrumental in investigating the alleged financial ties between the Bidens and foreign agents.

Hunter Biden recently pleaded guilty to tax evasion and other related crimes, which Whitaker believes could be part of a broader strategy. Whitaker suggested that Hunter Biden's guilty plea may be designed to pave the way for a presidential pardon, which would effectively close the chapter on these accusations before the election.

Timing of Pardon Could Benefit Democrats

Whitaker emphasized that the timing of this potential pardon is significant, especially as the election draws near. He expressed concern that the Biden administration might use this period to minimize the impact of the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden. By issuing the pardon before the election, Whitaker argued, the Biden family could prevent further scrutiny of the allegations and focus attention elsewhere.

According to Whitaker, the left has been employing a "cynical, sick strategy" by shifting media attention towards legal cases involving former President Donald Trump. This tactic, Whitaker claimed, has allowed the Biden family to avoid extensive media coverage of their alleged corruption.

Allegations Involving Foreign Payments

One of the core elements of Whitaker’s argument is the claim that Hunter Biden, along with other members of the Biden family, has been involved in financial dealings with foreign entities. These payments, according to Whitaker, come from China, Ukraine, and Romania, though the exact details and evidence behind these allegations remain a matter of ongoing investigation.

Whitaker expressed frustration that these financial ties have not been covered more extensively by mainstream media outlets. He claimed that the Biden administration has benefited from the lack of media scrutiny, allowing them to focus public attention on other matters, such as the legal challenges facing Donald Trump.

Mainstream Media’s Role In Covering The Story

Whitaker criticized what he sees as a biased approach by the mainstream media. He argued that news outlets have failed to properly investigate or report on the allegations against the Biden family while giving more attention to Trump’s legal battles. This, Whitaker claimed, has allowed the Biden administration to "get away with" using legal tactics to protect the president’s reelection prospects.

“There’s a reason we’re talking about all these cases today,” Whitaker said during the Newsmax interview. He added that the Democrats have been using "lawfare" -- or legal strategies -- to help Kamala Harris and Joe Biden in their campaigns, implying that they have resorted to these tactics because they cannot win "straight up with the American people."

Anticipating a Biden Pardon

Throughout the interview, Whitaker expressed certainty that Hunter Biden would soon be pardoned by his father. "One is... that there’s no doubt his dad, Joe Biden, is going to pardon him," Whitaker asserted, underscoring his belief that the move is imminent.

In Whitaker’s view, the purpose of the pardon is twofold: to protect Hunter Biden from further legal consequences and to eliminate any distractions related to Biden family corruption as the election nears.

He argued that the Biden administration’s goal is to take these issues "off the table" and prevent them from becoming major topics in the final weeks of the campaign. Instead, Whitaker believes, the focus will shift to Donald Trump’s legal challenges, which have dominated recent media cycles.

Potential Impact on Election

The upcoming election, which is now just 60 days away, is a critical factor in Whitaker’s prediction. By resolving Hunter Biden’s legal matters through a pardon, Whitaker believes that the Biden family can deflect attention from allegations that might otherwise harm their chances at the polls.

Whitaker’s comments also reflect a broader criticism of the Democratic Party’s use of legal mechanisms to influence the election outcome. He contended that this strategy has been a calculated effort to manipulate public perception and minimize damage to the Biden campaign.

Democrats' Legal Strategy Under Scrutiny

Whitaker’s remarks are likely to fuel further speculation about the potential political motivations behind the Hunter Biden case. While some see the case as an example of corruption and conflict of interest, others may view it as part of a broader political battle between the Biden and Trump camps.

The interview also brings attention to the role that legal cases -- both involving the Bidens and the Trumps -- could play in shaping voter perceptions in the final weeks before the election. For Whitaker, the media focus on Trump’s legal challenges has been a deliberate distraction from the issues surrounding Hunter Biden’s financial dealings.

Hunter Biden's Legal Future in Question

In concluding his remarks, Whitaker suggested that a pardon for Hunter Biden would likely come soon. He believes that this would mark the end of the Biden family corruption narrative, allowing the Biden administration to move past the issue and focus on other campaign matters.

Whitaker’s interview on Newsmax highlights the intense political and legal debates that are shaping the final stretch of the presidential election. As both Biden and Trump continue to face scrutiny over their respective legal battles, the question of whether Hunter Biden will receive a pardon remains a central issue for many voters.