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Supporters of Reparations Promise Retaliation After CA Bills Stall

 September 10, 2024

California's legislative effort to address what supporters describe as historical racial injustices has stalled, sparking protests and promises of harsh political consequences for those deemed responsible for the failure.

Two California Senate bills designed to institute reparations for Black Americans were halted in the state legislature last week, causing a significant backlash -- including against presidential hopeful Kamala Harris -- among activists and community members, as Fox News reports.

Senate Bill 1331, authored by state Sen. Steven Bradford of Inglewood, sought to create a reparations fund, while Senate Bill 1403 proposed the establishment of a state agency to manage and determine eligibility for reparations initiatives.

Extensive Debate Precedes Bill Failure

The bills were central to efforts aimed at rectifying racial disparities across various sectors, including housing, education, and health care.

They were supported by the California Legislative Black Caucus among other Democratic lawmakers.

Despite lengthy debates and public protests supporting the bills, they were not advanced in the legislature. This decision led to considerable frustration among supporters.

Assemblymember Lori Wilson, the chair of the Black Caucus, indicated the complexity of the proposals, suggesting a need for further refinement and asserting the reparations effort as a long-term project.

Community Reaction and Political Threats

Following the bills' failure, some reparations advocates proposed drastic measures, including recalling Black caucus members and other Democrats who opposed the legislation.

An ethics complaint was also lodged against members of the caucus, accusing them of corruption and undue influence in the legislative process, as protests intensified outside the state Capitol.

Chris Lodgson, a reparations advocate, expressed a deep sense of betrayal, highlighting the pain of seeing the bills stopped by fellow Black lawmakers.

He emphasized that those responsible should face a "political price."

Impact on National Politics

The fallout from the failed legislation has also threatened to impact national politics. Some activists have warned of potential repercussions for Harris' presidential campaign, underscoring the broader political stakes tied to the issue of reparations.

The group Coalition for a Just & Equitable California expressed on X, a strong resolve to seek reparations, echoing sentiments of profound historical debt and asserting their independence from traditional political affiliations.

They stated, "This type of betrayal cannot go unanswered... We're HERE, to get our checks and more," signaling a fierce determination to continue their advocacy.

Broadening the Conversation on Reparations

While the specific bills aimed at direct payments were shelved, the legislature passed other measures intended to address racial injustices.

However, none of these measures involved direct financial compensation, which remains a contentious and unresolved issue.

Supporters argue that reparations are overdue for historical grievances that have long-lasting impacts on the African-American community, affecting generations in terms of economic and social opportunities.

The debate over reparations in California mirrors a national conversation about how best to rectify the enduring effects of slavery and systemic discrimination, with various stakeholders seeking comprehensive solutions.