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Telecom Sector Sues Over Biden's Net Neutrality Restoration

 June 8, 2024

Several U.S. telecommunications industry groups have launched legal actions against the Biden administration's move to reinstate net neutrality rules, which are set to take effect on July 22.

The Biden administration announced plans to revive the net neutrality regulations that were first put in place in 2015 but were repealed under the previous administration, rules that are purportedly designed to ensure that internet service providers (ISPs) treat all data on the internet equally, without blocking, throttling, or charging extra for specific content, as Fox Business reports.

The reinstatement of these rules, which will become effective from July 22, also includes provisions to enhance national security by empowering the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to revoke the authorizations of ISPs that are foreign owned if they pose a security threat.

Democratic FCC Pushes Forward with Net Neutrality

In April, the FCC, now under a Democratic majority, voted to reinstate these guidelines. This move reflects a significant policy shift from the previous administration, which argued that such regulations stifled innovation and reduced investment in broadband infrastructure.

President Joe Biden, who made reinstating net neutrality a key point in his 2021 executive order, witnessed this regulatory restoration almost three years into his term.

It was not until October that the Democratic majority in the FCC was established, allowing for such regulatory actions to proceed.

FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel reassured that the agency would not pursue rate regulation and emphasized that their approach will not "undermine incentives to invest in networks."

Her statement aims to address concerns that regulation might impede the growth and investment in broadband infrastructure.

Industry Reacts to Federal Overreach

However, the decision has met with resistance from major industry groups. Organizations including USTelecom, NCTA, CTIA, and ACA Connects have responded by filing lawsuits in seven U.S. circuit courts, challenging the FCC's authority to impose these rules.

They claim that the FCC is overstepping its regulatory authority, with even more invasive measures than those introduced in 2015.

These groups have also requested that the FCC halt the implementation of the rules until judicial review is completed, or a temporary court order is granted. They argue that the agency has claimed "all-encompassing authority to regulate how Americans access the internet," according to their legal filings.

In their joint statement, the industry groups expressed concern that the new rules could have unintended negative impacts on both the industry and consumers by potentially limiting the flexibility ISPs have to innovate and manage network resources.

States Take Initiative Amid Federal Changes

Following the rollback of net neutrality rules by the Trump administration, several states took matters into their own hands by enacting their own regulations. By May 2022, a dozen states had implemented net neutrality laws, which were no longer being contested by industry groups.

This patchwork of state-level regulations highlighted the ongoing debate and the importance of a consistent national policy on net neutrality.

The Biden administration's reinstatement of the federal rules seeks, according to supporters, to create a uniform regulatory environment across the United States.

As the legal battles unfold, the impact of these rules on the future of Internet governance, national security, and consumer rights remains a pivotal issue. The courts will play a crucial role in determining the extent of the FCC's authority and the practical implications of reinstating net neutrality.


In summary, the telecom industry's legal challenge against the Biden administration's reinstatement of net neutrality rules underscores a significant policy shift and a clash over the scope of federal regulatory authority.

The outcome of this dispute will influence the future of internet services and digital policy in the United States, reflecting wider debates about regulation, innovation, and the role of government in managing emerging technologies.