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Texas mom arrested after her infant went into cardiac arrest from illegal drugs

 May 20, 2023

A one-year-old infant experienced cardiac arrest after being exposed to a white substance found under its nose.

The Port Arthur, Texas, child received treatment from medical personnel following a 911 call on May 14, Mother's Day, with mother Ava Chambers now facing charges related to the incident.

The Background

"When the officers arrived, they discovered an infant who was suspected to have been exposed to what police believed was an illegal substance after hearing reports the baby was holding a small, clear bag and had a white substance around the nose, resulting in cardiac arrest," Fox News reported.

"The baby was taken from the Exceptional Emergency Center to the Medical Center of Southeast Texas in Port Arthur, before being transported to another hospital in Houston, where the child is recovering, the Port Arthur News reported Thursday," it added.

The Details

The Port Arthur Police Department also released a news release related to the arrest.

"On 05/14/23, a call was made to 9-1-1 regarding a 1-year old at Exceptional Emergency Center. The baby was suspected of having been exposed to what is believed to be an illegal substance after it was reported the baby was found holding a small, clear bag and having a white substance around her nose, which resulted in cardiac arrest," the report stated.

"The baby was transported to The Medical Center of Southeast Texas. The same day, 30-year old Ava Chambers was arrested and charged with Injury to a Child," it added.

The Charges

Chambers was charged with injury to a child following the cardiac arrest of her child.

"The sheriff's office said she bonded out Monday. Her bond for injury to a child was $15,000 and bond for a possession of a controlled substance charge was $3,000," WPDE-TV reported.

The tragic incident is part of a growing number of reports of infants in critical condition following drug issues with those who care for them.

"A 9-month-old baby is in critical condition after their mother injected them with an “unknown substance” at a Columbus hospital, Ohio police say," the Kansas City Star reported in another case earlier this month.

"The 26-year-old woman was at Nationwide Children’s Hospital with her child on the morning of May 5, when a witness said they saw her inject a syringe into the baby, according to a Columbus police release," it added.

The health emergencies generally occur in relation to illegal drug issues with the parents or caregivers of infants, leading to increased concerns for children of drug users.

In the case of the latest infant in Texas, emergency personnel arrived in time to help, with the mother now facing jail time for her role in the near-death of her child.