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Third Biden Appointee Resigns Over Administration's Gaza War Policy

 July 3, 2024

A third appointee of the Biden administration, Maryam Hassanein, resigned in protest over President Joe Biden’s handling of the war in Gaza.

Hassanein, the youngest appointee to resign, cited the administration’s foreign policy and dehumanization of Arabs and Muslims as her reasons for leaving, as the Washington Examiner reports.

The staffer, 24, was the latest to resign from her position within the Biden administration, marking the third such resignation over the handling of the Gaza conflict.

Hassanein served as a special assistant to the assistant secretary for land and minerals management, She joined the administration in January, shortly after the Gaza war had begun. During her tenure, she became involved in activism, notably participating in a student encampment at George Washington University.

In her resignation statement, Hassanein expressed her discontent with President Biden's foreign policy. She accused the administration of fueling hate crimes against Palestinians and Muslims.

Hassanein Cites Dehumanization of Arabs and Muslims

Hassanein articulated her reasons for resignation in a detailed statement. "I came to understand that even if the agency I’m working at is not producing foreign policy, serving in the administration in any capacity does essentially make you complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians," she said.

Her statement highlighted the administration's policy choices, which she believes dehumanize Arabs and Muslims. “Marginalized communities in our country have long been denied the justice they deserve,” Hassanein stated.

"I joined the Biden-Harris administration with the belief that my voice and diverse perspective would lend a hand in the pursuit of that justice," she continued. However, her expectations were unmet, leading to her decision to resign.

Accusations Against President Biden's Policies

Hassanein did not hold back in her criticism of President Biden. “Instead of using U.S. leverage to stop the killing, President Biden has continued funding this violence, while fueling hate crimes against Palestinian Americans by repeating racist tropes and outright lies,” she wrote.

She pointed out that anti-Arab and Islamophobic sentiments are embedded in U.S. foreign policy. These sentiments, she argued, are linked with the disregard for Palestinian lives.

Her resignation brings to light the growing divisions within the Democratic Party. Younger, progressive members are increasingly at odds with the older, establishment faction.

Impact on the Democratic Party

Hassanein's resignation is indicative of a larger trend among younger Democrats who are dissatisfied with the party's stance on foreign policy. This internal conflict could have significant implications for the party's unity and future policy directions.

Her departure underscores a critical point of contention within the party. As more progressive voices demand change, the administration faces pressure to address these internal disagreements.

The resignation of Hassanein and others highlights the challenge the Biden administration faces in balancing diverse perspectives within its ranks.

Background on Maryam Hassanein

Maryam Hassanein's involvement in politics and activism predates her appointment. At 24, she brought a youthful and progressive perspective to the administration.

Her participation in the student encampment at George Washington University reflects her commitment to activism and advocacy for marginalized communities.

Hassanein’s resignation may inspire other young appointees to voice their dissent or follow suit, potentially leading to further resignations.

Concluding Thoughts

The resignation of Maryam Hassanein from the Biden administration highlights a critical moment in U.S. politics. Her departure underscores the growing divide within the Democratic Party and raises questions about the administration's foreign policy and its impact on marginalized communities.

As Hassanein stated, the dehumanization of Arabs and Muslims and the administration’s handling of the Gaza conflict were key factors in her decision to resign. Her resignation serves as a potent reminder of the ongoing debates and divisions within the party, particularly regarding U.S. foreign policy and its implications.