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Times Square billboard accuses AOC of betrayal of US in favor of China

 March 1, 2024

In the bustling heart of New York City's Times Square, a striking billboard featuring Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14) has emerged as the center of attention.

This signage is part of a promotional campaign for investigative journalist Peter Schweizer's latest publication, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

Displaying an image of Ocasio-Cortez with the caption "AO-CCP," the billboard accuses the congresswoman of a lackadaisical approach towards the threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), as Fox News reported.

The billboard explicitly criticizes the weaponization of TikTok by the Chinese military, aiming at American youth, highlighting Ocasio-Cortez's opposition to banning the app.

"The Chinese military is weaponizing TikTok to target American children," it proclaims, pointing out the congresswoman's stance on the issue, which she has voiced on the very platform in question.

Schweizer's Stance on TikTok and AOC's Silence

Schweizer, an author and president of the Government Accountability Institute, has expressed his concerns regarding TikTok's role as a Trojan horse in the U.S., facilitated by China's strategic initiatives.

According to Schweizer, the debate over TikTok's threat to national security is non-existent in China, as officials and executives there are clear on its purpose.

The decision to feature Ocasio-Cortez on the billboard stems from her New York residency and her silence on critical issues like fentanyl and TikTok, coupled with her failure to recognize China as a major threat.

Ocasio-Cortez's Controversial Stance and Financial Connections

Criticism towards Ocasio-Cortez doesn't stop at her general stance on TikTok. Schweizer's book delves into her opposition to banning the app despite being a subject of concern among experts and government officials due to its potential for data harvesting by the CCP.

Schweizer highlights a particular instance where Ocasio-Cortez opposed the ban, citing discomfort due to data collection practices standard among other social media platforms, without addressing the unique challenges posed by TikTok's ties to the Chinese government.

Further, the book reveals a donation of $150,000 from ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, to the Hispanic Caucus Foundation, for which Ocasio-Cortez serves on an advisory council.

This revelation raises questions about the potential influence of Chinese companies on American politicians.

The Broader Strategy of China According to Schweizer

Schweizer's book also sheds light on China's broader strategy to sow discord within the United States through social media.

He describes an orchestrated campaign involving thousands of Chinese officers creating fake social media accounts to amplify societal and racial divisions within the country.

This tactic, Schweizer argues, is part of a larger disintegration warfare strategy aimed at undermining and fragmenting American society without engaging in open conflict, an approach that he suggests has roots in ancient Chinese warfare principles.

The author is particularly critical of Ocasio-Cortez's silence on issues like fentanyl, emphasizing her lack of public discourse on China's involvement in the fentanyl crisis despite her influential position in the House Oversight Committee.

According to Schweizer, this silence indicates a broader issue of politicians not adequately addressing the multifaceted threats posed by China.