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Top Obama-era official attacks Biden foreign policy failures

 January 30, 2024

Recent attacks on a U.S. military outpost in Jordan, leading to the tragic death of three American soldiers, have brought former Obama administration official Robert Gates' criticisms of President Joe Biden's foreign policy back into focus.

In light of the recent attack, Gates' past remarks about Biden, specifically concerning his foreign policy decisions, have gained renewed attention. Gates, who served as Defense secretary during the Obama administration, had previously articulated his doubts about Biden's abilities in his 2014 memoir. These concerns have resurfaced amidst current foreign policy challenges, as FOX News reported.

Background of Gates' critique on Biden's policies

Gates, in his memoir, Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War, initially expressed his skepticism about Biden's foreign policy.

He portrayed Biden as a man of integrity but questioned his judgment in major foreign policy and national security issues over four decades.

His criticism was not limited to the memoir; Gates also stated these views in a prior 60 Minutes interview.

He highlighted Biden's opposition to various military programs and decisions, from the Reagan era to the Gulf War and the conflict in Afghanistan.

The recent attack has seemingly solidified Gates' apprehensions about Biden's approach to foreign policy and military decisions.

Details of the Jordan military outpost attack

The Pentagon released the names of the three soldiers who perished in the attack on the U.S. military outpost in Jordan.

They were part of the 718th Engineer Company, 926th Engineer Battalion, 926th Engineer Brigade, based in Fort Moore, Ga.

This incident marks a significant escalation in the ongoing attacks on U.S. forces in the region, bringing into question the effectiveness of the Biden administration's strategies in dealing with such threats.

The Pentagon reported over 40 injuries from the attack and an alarming number of attacks against U.S. forces in the region since mid-October.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) expressed strong criticism towards the Biden administration following the attack, calling for decisive action against Iran. He said:

When the Biden Administration says ‘don’t’, the Iranians ‘do’. Their policy of deterrence against Iran has failed miserably.

Increasing tensions and challenges in the region

The Biden administration has faced growing challenges in the Middle East, particularly with Iran-backed militia groups in Syria and Iraq.

These groups have been targeting American assets in retaliation for U.S. support of Israel in its conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

With over 165 attacks in Iraq, Syria, and Jordan since October, the situation underscores the complex dynamics the U.S. faces in the region.

These developments have led to increased scrutiny of the Biden administration's foreign policy, particularly in handling the delicate balance of power and conflict in the Middle East.

Political repercussions of the recent events

The tragic loss of American soldiers and the rising number of attacks have intensified political debates in the U.S. over foreign policy and military strategy.

Critics, including prominent figures like Graham, have been vocal in their disapproval of the current administration's approach, particularly towards Iran.

This has raised questions about the future direction of U.S. foreign policy and its implications for global and regional stability.


  • Recent attacks on a U.S. military outpost in Jordan have rekindled discussions about President Joe Biden's foreign policy, particularly following former Defense Secretary Robert Gates' criticisms.
  • Gates, who served under the Obama administration, expressed skepticism about Biden's foreign policy decisions in his 2014 memoir and reiterated these views in a 2021 interview.
  • The attack in Jordan, resulting in the death of three American soldiers, highlights ongoing challenges and escalates tensions in the region.
  • Critics, including Sen. Lindsey Graham, have voiced strong disapproval of the Biden administration's approach, especially towards Iran, following the recent events.
  • The situation in the Middle East continues to evolve, with Iran-backed militia groups actively targeting U.S. interests, raising concerns about the effectiveness of current U.S. foreign policy strategies.
  • These developments have prompted a broader debate about the future direction of U.S. foreign policy and its impact on global and regional stability.