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Trump campaign says Alvin Bragg’s gag order request is ‘unconstitutional’

 February 27, 2024

The Trump campaign has leveled strong criticism of Alvin Bragg's recent gag order request, declaring it unconstitutional.

The former president's legal team has strongly condemned Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's request for a gag order in the hush-money case against former President Donald in New York. The campaign labels the request as an unconstitutional infringement on Trump's First Amendment rights, highlighting the tension between legal proceedings and free speech, as reported by the Washington Examiner.

Legal tensions rise with the gag order request

Bragg's request aims to limit Trump's ability to publicly discuss the case, especially with regard to witnesses, legal staff, and lawyers.

The move is intended to prevent potential interference in the case and mitigate threats linked to Trump's public comments.

The proposal for the gag order follows a pattern, drawing parallels to similar restrictions imposed on Trump in other legal matters, including a criminal case in Washington, D.C.

This consistency in seeking to temper Trump's public discourse underlines the legal system's challenge in balancing trial integrity with free speech.

Instances of Trump's public outbursts have, according to prosecutors, led to credible threats against legal personnel, necessitating the proposed limitations on his speech as a protective measure.

Trump's team defends free speech rights

In response to the gag order request, Trump's campaign has voiced concerns over the potential violation of Trump's right to free speech.

The campaign argues that the gag order would unjustly restrict Trump's ability to defend himself against the charges.

Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Trump, articulated the campaign's stance, asserting that the gag order represents an attack on the constitutional rights of the former president. He said:

This case, like the others, is a sham orchestrated by partisan Democrats desperately attempting to prevent the reelection of President Trump and distract from the decrepit presidency of Crooked Joe Biden. The Radical Left will fail and President Trump will Make America Great Again.

Precedents and public safety concerns

This isn't the first instance where a gag order has been sought against Trump.

Previous legal battles have seen similar efforts to curb his public commentary, reflecting an ongoing legal dilemma over how to ensure fair trials while respecting free speech.

Particularly, New York Judge Arthur Engoron's imposition of a gag order in a civil fraud trial against Trump last year showcases the judiciary's controversial stance on this matter.

With the trial set to commence soon, and Trump facing numerous charges related to falsifying business records, the request for a gag order adds another layer of complexity to the legal proceedings.

Impact of Trump's public statements

The correlation between Trump's public statements and the surge in threats against legal personnel has been a significant factor in the DA's gag order request.

The office has documented an alarming increase in threats following Trump's remarks, underscoring the potential risks of his unchecked commentary.

Examples of Trump's incendiary comments on social media, including calls to protest and "TAKE OUR NATION BACK," have been linked to specific threats, highlighting the tangible consequences of his rhetoric.

Critics believe that the notable rise in threat activity coinciding with Trump's targeting of legal authorities through public discourse has prompted serious concerns about the safety of those involved in the case.

Debating the balance between free speech and legal integrity

The controversy surrounding the gag order request sheds light on the broader debate over how to balance individual rights against the needs of the legal process. The challenge of ensuring a fair trial while safeguarding free speech rights is at the forefront of this high-profile case.

The legal and public scrutiny of the gag order proposal reflects the complexities involved in navigating high-stakes legal battles involving prominent political figures.

The potential implications of imposing a gag order on Trump extend beyond this case, touching on fundamental issues related to legal accountability, political discourse, and the boundaries of free speech.


  • Trump campaign opposes Alvin Bragg's gag order request as "unconstitutional."
  • The gag order aims to limit Trump's public comments on the case to prevent interference and threats.
  • Trump's campaign argues the order infringes on his First Amendment rights.
  • Similar gag orders in past cases reflect ongoing challenges in balancing free speech with trial integrity.
  • Trump's public statements have been linked to increased threats against legal personnel.
  • The debate over the gag order underscores broader issues of legal fairness versus political expression.