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Trump Celebrates ABC News Chief Kim Godwin's Exit

 May 7, 2024

Kim Godwin, once hailed as a groundbreaking leader of ABC News, has resigned following a performance evaluation led by a Disney executive.

On Sunday, Godwin announced her decision to step down after three years at the helm of the network's news division, prompting an expression of delight from former President Donald Trump, as Newsmax reports.

Godwin's departure marks a significant shift at the network, as she was the first Black woman to head a major network news division, and her resignation was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Walt Disney Co., the parent company overseeing ABC News, had appointed Debra O'Connell earlier this year to supervise the network. As part of her oversight, O'Connell was evaluating the performance of various executives, including Godwin.

A Leadership Defined by Diversity and Challenge

Before joining ABC, Godwin had an extensive career at CBS News, where she served in various senior capacities. Her roles included that of executive vice president and senior broadcast producer, with a significant focus on development and diversity within the newsroom.

Godwin's leadership at ABC was noted for her pioneering status as the first Black woman to lead a network news division. However, her tenure was marked by internal challenges and a rigorous review of her management style and the network's direction.

The review by O'Connell reportedly involved private conversations where dissatisfaction with the network's current state was expressed, influencing Godwin's decision to resign.

Trump Reacts to Godwin's Departure

Trump took to Truth Social on the same night Godwin's resignation was announced, making his feelings clear. The former president speculated whether her resignation was due to what he perceived as unfair reporting on his activities by ABC News.

Trump expressed his sentiments bluntly: "Happy to report that Kim Godwin, Head of ABC, has resigned. Could it be the unfair reporting on EVERYTHING TRUMP? In any event, GOOD RIDDANCE!" He further commented on the future of ABC News and its coverage.

The former president's remarks highlight the politically charged environment that network news executives often navigate, particularly in relation to coverage of political figures.

Reflecting on a Groundbreaking Career

In her farewell email to the ABC News staff, Godwin shared her personal reflections and the difficult decision to leave broadcast journalism. "I have decided to retire from broadcast journalism," she wrote, emphasizing the uniqueness of the news business and her love for the profession.

She continued, expressing her certainty about the decision, "But after considerable reflection, I'm certain it's the right one for me as I look to the future and prioritize what's most important for me and my family."

Godwin's departure is not just the end of a chapter at ABC News but also a moment of significant change for one of the most visible figures in network news.

Looking Ahead: The Future of ABC News

The resignation of Godwin raises questions about the future leadership of ABC News. As the network looks to fill the significant void left by her departure, the focus will likely be on maintaining the integrity and diversity she championed.

The incoming president will face the dual challenge of managing a major news network while navigating the complex political landscape that Godwin encountered.

As ABC News transitions into this new phase, the industry will be watching closely to see how the network evolves under new leadership and how it addresses the challenges highlighted during Godwin's tenure.

Conclusion: A Time of Transition at ABC News

Kim Godwin's resignation as president of ABC News marks the end of a groundbreaking era for the network. Her tenure was characterized by both her historic leadership role and the intense scrutiny from corporate oversight and public figures like Donald Trump.

As ABC News moves forward, the industry remains attentive to how the network will navigate its future challenges and opportunities for growth and change.