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Trump Claims Biden’s Removal From Election Constitutes a Presidential Coup

 August 14, 2024

In a recent discussion on X Spaces, former President Donald Trump labeled the removal of President Joe Biden from the 2024 election as a coup, critiquing the current administration’s global impact, Breitbart reported.

During a live conversation on X Spaces hosted on Monday, former President Donald Trump engaged with tech mogul Elon Musk to express his views on the recent political upheavals involving President Joe Biden. Trump asserted that Biden’s exclusion from the upcoming election was orchestrated and akin to a coup, raising significant concerns about the state of democracy in the United States.

Trump also commented on Vice President Kamala Harris's public silence since the event. He emphasized the gravity of the situation by stating, "[Vice President Kamala Harris] hasn’t done an interview since this whole scam started. And say what you want, this was a coup. This was a coup of a President of the United States."

Trump Reflects on Biden’s Impact and Global Events

Further in the conversation, Trump criticized Biden’s tenure as president, calling him "the worst president in history." He linked several critical global and domestic issues to the Biden administration. Trump argued that his leadership would have averted certain international crises, such as the Israeli attack and Russian military movements.

Trump claimed his proactive and assertive stance with international leaders prevented greater conflicts. He recounted a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying, "I told him things — what I’d do [if Putin invaded Ukraine], and he said, ‘No way,’ and I said, ‘Way.’ And you know, that’s the last time we ever had that conversation."

International Relations and Diplomatic Interactions

The former president discussed his relationships with global leaders like Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin, suggesting that mutual respect and power dynamics defined these interactions. He described a notable encounter where he asserted his position to North Korea's leader by comparing their nuclear capabilities, leading to diplomatic meetings in Singapore and Vietnam.

"I got along well with Kim Jong-un. When I met with President Obama just before entering [office], I sat down with him and we talked — I said, ‘What's the biggest problem?’ He said, ‘North Korea.’ I had that problem worked out very quickly," Trump explained.

Elon Musk agreed with Trump’s perspective on leadership and strength during the conversation, noting that authoritarian figures respond more to power than to weakness.

Trump’s View on Leadership and Strength

Trump emphasized the importance of strong leadership and direct communication in dealing with international adversaries during the session. He recalled past interactions where direct threats or displays of military capability led to significant diplomatic engagements and resolutions.

"It was nasty at the beginning. Those were some epic tweets, by the way," Trump added, referencing his social media interactions that often set the tone for his foreign policy maneuvers.

This discussion with Musk not only revisited Trump’s foreign policy achievements but also highlighted his critique of the current administration's approach to global and domestic challenges.

Trump's dialogue with Elon Musk on X Spaces concluded by painting a stark contrast between his administration's assertive foreign policy and the current government's strategies. His description of Biden's removal as a coup, alongside critiques of handling international relations and economic issues, sparked further debate about leadership styles and their impacts on global events. The conversation reaffirmed Trump’s strong stance on the need for powerful leadership in times of crisis.