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Trump Exits Court Smiling After Week of Testimony and Gag Order Disputes

 May 12, 2024

As the week's hush money proceedings closed, Donald Trump left the courtroom smiling, despite the drama surrounding key testimonies and gag order discussions.

Amid his ongoing criminal trial, former President Donald Trump faced various pivotal moments, including efforts to silence key witness Michael Cohen, as the Daily Mail reports.

The trial kicked off with Trump contesting accusations connected to payments made to Stormy Daniels, who alleged a 2006 sexual encounter with him.

This week featured six hours of testimony from Daniels, in which she detailed the incident that Trump has consistently denied.

Trump's Reaction to Witness Testimonies

Following Daniels, testimonies continued with insights from Madeleine Westerhout and employees from AT&T and Verizon. They discussed detailed call records and social media posts that have become crucial in piecing together the narrative of the case.

Amid these proceedings, Trump's lawyer, Todd Blanche, called for a gag order on Cohen to prevent him from publicly discussing trial matters.

Cohen's recent social media activities, including a TikTok video where he sported a t-shirt depicting Trump behind bars, fueled this request.

Judge's Call to Silence Cohen

Judge Juan Merchan, presiding over the trial, directed the Manhattan D.A.'s office to ensure that Cohen refrains from making public statements about the trial. This came after Cohen's active presence on social media discussing the trial details.

"Cohen continues to speak about this trial and President Trump. As recently as Wednesday, he was on TikTok talking extensively," Todd Blanche expressed his concerns during the trial.

Legal Tensions Over Gag Orders

Blanche highlighted Cohen's provocative t-shirt during one of his videos, intensifying the call for restricted communications. "He’s wearing a white t-shirt with a picture of President Trump behind bars," Blanche stated, pointing to the inflammatory nature of Cohen's actions.

The gag order discussion reached a peak when Blanche argued for equal restrictions on Cohen, noting, "Now we have one week left of the trial, (we ask that) he be prohibited from speaking just as President Trump is."

Prosecution's Challenges With Witness Conduct

While the defense pressed for a gag order, the prosecution admitted to their limited control over witnesses' public engagements. "Everybody can say whatever they want, but I'm not allowed to say anything about anybody," Trump lamented, expressing frustration over the perceived imbalance in speech freedoms.

Prosecutor Chris Conroy brought up the topic of Allen Weisselberg, Trump’s former chief financial officer, whose severance agreement was considered crucial evidence to explain his absence from the witness stand.

Upcoming Testimonies and Evidence Review

With Cohen scheduled to testify on the following Monday, the anticipation in the courtroom was palpable. His testimony, expected to span several days, is crucial for the prosecution’s case.

Defense lawyer Emil Bove hinted at potential complications if Weisselberg were to testify, suggesting he might invoke his Fifth Amendment right. This strategic legal play could significantly influence the proceeding days of the trial.

Conclusion of a Turbulent Week

In conclusion, the week of Trump’s trial was marked by intense testimonies, debates over gag orders, and discussions about evidential submissions.

These events paint a picture of a legal battle that is as much about controlling the narrative outside the courtroom as it is about the allegations themselves.