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Trump returns to Instagram, uses first post to promote digital trading card

By Sarah May on
 April 20, 2023

Taking to Instagram for the first time in over two years, former President Donald Trump this week went public with a new digital trading card collection from which fans and investors could purchase images for $99 apiece, as the Daily Mail reports.

The new series of “non-fungible tokens” (NFTs) follows on the heels of an initial offering of different trading cards last December, which sold out in rapid fashion.

“Series 2” launched

In announcing his latest NFT release, Trump's Instagram post declared, “I am, pleased to inform you that due to the great success of my previously launched DIGITAL TRADING CARDS, we are doing it again, SERIES 2, AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW.”

Trump's message included a stylized image of himself looking into the distance while holding the Liberty Bell in front of an American flag.

As the Mail notes, the new series includes a host of other renderings of the former commander in chief, including a pose in which he is doing some backyard grilling alongside a dog wearing a patriotic bandana.

Following up on the first post announcing the release, Trump added, as the New York Post explained, “I hope everyone notices, & I'm sure the Fake News won't, that I'm leaving the price of the Trading Cards the same as last time, even though they are selling for MANY TIMES MORE (It's called the MARKET!), & sold out almost immediately, because I want my fans and supporters to make money, & have fun doing it.”

Limited run

According to the Mail, each Trump image costs $99, and the release is said to include no more than 10 copies of any single design.

Noting that he could have charged a premium this time around, given the success of his last batch of NFTs, Trump wrote on Instagram, “I could have raised the price MUCH HIGHER, & I believe it still would have sold well, with a lot more money coming to me, but I didn't choose to do so.”

“WILL BE GIVEN NO 'NICE GUY' CREDIT?” the former president sarcastically lamented.

Apparently keeping his finger on the pulse of what his followers want, the latest images, which depicted scenarios such as Trump as a king on a chessboard, as Elvis, and as the king of hearts on a playing card, the former president reportedly has hit yet another sales home run.

Sellout in “record” time

Forbes reported on Wednesday that the aforementioned second group of Trump NFTs sold out in what the former president described as “record” time.

Taking to his Truth Social platform, Trump wrote, “As of 10 minutes ago, my Digital Trading Cards SOLD OUT, in RECORD TIME,” an achievement he characterized as a “great honor.”

“I hope everyone is Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy. CONGRATULATIONS!” Trump added.

Sales of the 47,000 available cards were said to have yielded in the area of $4.6 million, though the outlet raised questions about just how much of that money Trump would personally see, given that financial disclosure forms related to sales of the previous batch showed the former president personally taking in an amount between $100,000 and $1 million on a total of $4.4 million generated.

Purchaser perks included

As the Post noted, as was the case with the initial NFT issue, those who purchased at least 47 cards will also get an invitation to Mar-a-Lago for dinner with the former president.

What's more, the first 50 to purchase 100 of the new images will also be given an entirely unique card as well as an invitation to a gala event at the president's resort.

Though, as Fox News noted late last year, Trump's latest business venture drew no small measure of criticism – and indeed ridicule – from across the political spectrum, with conservative commentator Caleb Hull declaring in December, “Whoever thought this was a good idea needs to be fired.”

However, given the swift pace with which the former president continues to sell his indisputably lucrative NFTs, it stands to reason that supporters and fans can expect that there will be more to come.