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Trump says he will bring back Michael Flynn if he wins in 2024

By Sarah May on
 May 15, 2023

Though the 2024 presidential election is still well over a year away, former President Donald Trump – the putative Republican frontrunner – may already be making plans when it comes to staffing a new administration, pledging over the weekend to “bring back” former national security adviser Michael Flynn, as The Hill reports.

Trump's statement came when he called into the ReAwaken America rally that was taking place at the former president's Doral resort in Florida, doing so just as Flynn was on stage delivering remarks of his own.

Energized Crowd

Trump's decision to call into the event was reportedly warmly received by all, and he made a particular point of referencing the fact that they were staying at one of his many properties.

“I want to thank you all for being there, at the wonderful hotel,” Trump began, according to Mediaite.

The proud proprietor continued, “It's a wonderful hotel, but you're there for an even more important purpose.”

Part of that purpose was to hear from a slate of speakers that included the likes of Roger Stone, entrepreneur Mike Lindell, and attorney Sidney Powell, who was embroiled in controversy over the claims of widespread fraud she lodged in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

Favoring Flynn

It was then that the former commander in chief turned his attentions to Flynn, who had pleaded guilty back in 2017 to lying to the FBI about interactions with a Russian ambassador, as The Hill noted, but later withdrew that plea in what was a long and tangled court battle with the Justice Department and was ultimately pardoned by Trump.

“I will say, General Flynn, he's some general. He's some man,” Trump began.

Referencing the slings and arrows faced by Flynn in recent years, Trump continued, “He took abuse like nobody could have handled, and he came out bigger, better, stronger than ever before. We love him. He's a leader.”

Urging attendees to “stay wealthy and healthy and well,” Trump said directly to Flynn, “you just have to stay healthy. Because we're bringing you back. We're gonna bring you back” in a statement that sent the crowd into cheers.

Unplanned Free Time

Trump had the flexibility in his schedule to call into the rally on Saturday night in large part because his own plans for the evening had fallen through.

As The Hill reported separately, a rally the Trump campaign had planned in the key primary state of Iowa had to be cancelled due to a threat of severe weather in the area.

Taking to his Truth Social network prior to the event, Trump wrote, “Unfortunately, due to the Tornado Warnings in Des Moines, we are forced to cancel today's outdoor rally at the Lauridsen Amphitheater.”

Suggesting that it was just a temporary glitch in connecting with Iowans, Trump added, “Stay tuned, we will reschedule soon. Be safe out there!”

Inevitable Nominee?

With the specter of a rematch of the 2020 contest looming large, Trump continues to dominate Republican primary polling, both nationally as well as within critical states.

As NBC News noted late last month, a staggering two-thirds of the Republican primary electorate indicated their support for the former president, regardless of his current legal entanglements and pending investigations.

Though for quite some time, it appeared that Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis would mount a strong primary challenge to Trump if he should decide to enter the race, his fortunes have been noticeably slipping of late, with a recent Florida Atlantic University poll revealing that even in the Sunshine State, Trump would win handily to take the party's nomination, by a margin of 59 to 31.

While some may suggest Trump was putting the cart way before the horse when he suggested Flynn would have a role to play in the next presidential administration, current trends point to a strong chance – at least for now – that he will indeed sit atop the GOP ticket once more.